American Idioms

Professor Charles Bordogna

CHAPTER 10: Going to the Airport

(Scene: Driving on the turnpike, Rich, a young American, is taking his friend Oscar to the airport).

Oscar: Are you sure we'll arrive on time at the airport? What if we're late?

Rich: We'll make it with time to spare! Besides, I took a dry run last week and got there in twenty-two minutes.

Oscar: What if we drive into a traffic jam?

Rich: Don't worry!

Oscar: I just worry about missing the plane. It's the only flight to El Salvador leaving today.

Rich: You're all on edge. Relax! Getting there's a piece of cake!

Oscar: I haven't seen my family in over two years. They will be all at the airport when the plane lands to meet me. I don't want to miss that plane!

Rich: (blowing his horn) Hey, watch where you're driving, pal! Do you believe how that guy cut me off?

Oscar: I think you cut him off about a mile back. Getting back to my family. My sister had a baby three months ago. I'm an uncle!

Rich: Sounds great! Uh-oh! It looks like the traffic is slowing up ahead.

Oscar: Look at that back-up! It must go on for miles! I'll never catch my flight now! We don't stand a chance!

Rich: Don't lose your grip. I'm cut out for situations like this. Nerves of steel, cat-like reflexes, I can drive around this mess. We'll ride on the shoulder to the service entrance and exit there!

Oscar: That's not exactly legal, is it?

Rich: You want to catch that plane, don't you? I'm going to pull out all the stops! Hold onto your hat! Here we go!

Oscar: What if the police should stop us? I'll get arrested. I'll spend the night in jail!

Rich: They'd have to catch us first. Besides, they're probably stuck in traffic, too! Here comes the service road. Keep an eye out for the police.

Oscar: This is an entrance.

Rich: Not for us, it isn't! I'll hang a sharp right! Mark my words! I'll get you to the airport on time!

Oscar: No one is following us, but what about that helicopter?

Rich: It's probably reporting on the traffic tie-up. Here we go - clear sailing! Look, the terminals are up ahead.

Oscar: And there's the sign for my airline.

Rich: What service! Right to the curb! And are we on time, pal?

Oscar: I only have five minutes before take-off! Thank you, Rich! Thanks for everything!

Rich: Don't forget your bags!

Oscar: Rich, there's a police car coming up with flashing red lights. Well, thanks again!

(As Oscar leaves, a police officer walks up to Rich's car.)

Police: That was the most reckless driving I've seen in quite a while. May I see your license?

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