American Idioms

Professor Charles Bordogna

CHAPTER 5: At The Shore

(Scene: Josmario and Getulio, two young men from Brazil, are sitting on the beach at a seashore resort town in New Jersey, speaking with Rich, an American who is waxing his surfboard).

Josmario: This beach is beautiful! I thought all the beaches in New Jersey were polluted and littered with garbage.

Rich: No way, man! Of course, this beach is a far cry from the way it was a few years back. The State's E. P. A. - the Environmental Protection Agency - makes sure that the beaches are cleaned up.

Getulio: It is so beautiful here! Look at those waves! I can't wait to get into the water!

Rich: I've seen guys really get carried away by the surf here. Stay cool. You don't want to rush out there. There are some mean undertows. I've seen expert swimmers nearly drown in these waters.

Getulio: You have a beautiful surfboard.

Rich: It's a real knockout, isn't it. I'm really into surfing. It's great to cut loose from work and school and hit the beach. When I'm riding the waves, I feel incredibly free! So much of life is simply run-of-the-mill. When I'm out on the waves, I'm alive!

Josmario: And Rich, you're working down here all summer?

Rich: That's right. I'm flipping burgers at night. It leaves me plenty of time to surf during the day. I like the looks of those breakers out there!

Getulio: Well, Josmario and I regret that we can only come down for the weekends.

Rich: You guys will still have a real blast down here.

Josmario: I did some surfing back in Brazil, but I don't have a surfboard here.

Rich: Never mind. I've got an old one you can use. It's been kicked around by the waves, but it'll work for you. I'll give it the once-over just to be certain that it's all right.

Getulio: What about that tall girl over there in the wet suit? Does she surf?

Rich: She's out here everyday, no matter how rough the waves are. She can really handle a board. And she really knows how to read the waves. Some of these kids who try to surf have nothing upstairs. They get themselves into dangerous situations or they get themselves injured.

Josmario: That fellow over by the refreshment stand with the purple board is looking at you.

Rich: Keep an eye on my board. That guy owes me some money. He's been giving me the runaround. I've got to talk to him!

Getulio: The ocean is majestic. The waves, the sky, the smell of the air - it takes my breath away!

Josmario: This will be a summer to remember!

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