As the leading business organization at Bergen Community College and with notoriety throughout the United States, this program seeks to build professionals for tomorrow’s emerging workforce. Students will learn vital business skills and converse about the leading companies and figures in the industry. Additionally, there will be discussions in asset management and stock trading principles. Students will discuss how companies gain their competitive edge by learning advanced terminology and complex marketing strategies in business. This organization gives students the opportunity to network with peers and establish friendships in a social as well as professional environment.

  • Beginning each semester, students will have the opportunity to become the president, vice president, treasurer and officer!
  • The members will vote on each candidate who is most formidable for the job in an official election

For more information, please contact the FBLA advisor:

With the toughest economy in modern U.S. history, one must be the best at what they do to truly shine amongst the competition. Let that someone be you! Every business starts with a story of humble beginnings. Let your beginning story start here at the FBLA at Bergen Community College!