Bergen Community College welcomes students visiting from other institutions to register for winter and summer courses. If you have taken Bergen classes as a visiting student in the past, you still need to re-apply as a visiting student to re-activate your account.

For specific details on registration dates, please visit


Once an application is submitted, instructions will be sent to the applicant via email.

Bergen Community College does not require visiting students to provide permission letters or to show they have the proper pre-requisites.  However, it is the responsibility of the student to verify that the course(s) will transfer back to their home institution. Students are responsible in taking course subjects for which they are academically prepared to be successful with.

To search for classes, visit

To pay for classes, visit

To find your syllabus, visit

Visiting students applying will receive an email with their username and ID. Email will also include instructions on completing the Visiting Student Acknowledgment Form.

The Visiting Student Acknowledgement Form is restricted to visiting students only and is only accessible during specific periods within the Registration Calendar.

Visiting Student Acknowledgment Form

Visiting students with questions may email [email protected] 

In-person inquiries are also welcome at the One Stop, Paramus, Pitkin Education Center at the College’s main campus in Paramus, NJ.