Department Chair, Performing Arts: Andrew Krikun
Department Chair, Visual Arts: Francis Schmidt
Department Secretary: Pamela Coles
Room: W-225
Phone: (201) 879-7021

Explore Areas of Study:

  • Computer Animation

    Learn the art of creating moving images with the computer, students can study computer graphics and animation.

  • Fashion

    Students who have a passion for fashion will study fashion apparel design for a career in the industry.

  • Graphic Design and Computer Graphics

    With an interest in the art of graphic design and computer graphics, students can become skilled in artistic design and digital content creation.

  • Music

    Through transfer and non-transfer program options, students in Music at Bergen can focus on performance in classical, jazz, or popular music, music business or music production and technology.

  • Theatre

    With an interest in the performing arts, students will be trained in acting and professional theatre to master live performances.