General NJ Sites

Sites for Those Just Starting Out

Salary Guides and Relocation Information

  • – America’s Career InfoNet uses U.S. Department of Labor statistics to provide information on wages, employment trends and job outlook. Individual state profiles include largest, highest paying and fastest growing employment sectors and largest employers.
  • – The Home Buyer’s Fair provides relocation information such as salary calculator, city reports, real estate listings and crime statistics.
  • –  The Salary Surveys contain more than 300 salary guides and articles on salary negotiation.

Researching Employers

  • Start your research at the employer’s web site. The company provides the information you find there. Look at news, project development, mission statements, product information and career opportunities. This information will help you tailor your cover letter to their needs.
  • Fortune.comFortune magazine: Choose Company Lists from main menu for links to 100 Best Companies to Work For, America’s Fastest Growing Companies, America’s Best Companies for Minorities and more.
  •– Hoovers Online is a business reference directory of employers. Searches can be done by company name or industry.
  • – Provides employer profiles and industry reports based on independent research and insider information. Job listings and message boards (The Electronic Water Cooler) are found here.

External Job Banks

  • Career BuilderJob listings can be searched by keyword or you can choose a company and view their open positions.
  • Career Journal Career related articles and features from the Wall Street Journal. Contains salary and relocation guides in addition to job listings.
  • – Technology-based job listings with options for posting resume and obtaining other career information.
  • – Lists non-profit and community organizations in 140 countries which can be searched by name, location or mission. Volunteer opportunities, paid work experiences and internships are listed here.
  •  – A search engine for job listings pulled from numerous sites.
  • Monster Board is a large site where you can search over 300,000 job listings in multiple industries and occupations. You can also post a resume, obtain career advice and research companies.
  • Psychology – Psychology Jobs is the #1 portal for jobs in psychology. Since 2009, they’ve helped qualified professionals find jobs in school psychology, clinical psychology, psychiatry, industrial-organizational psychology, forensic psychology and just about every other subfield of mental health.
  • – A site for Part-time and hourly employment. Search over 50,000 listings by location.
  • ZipRecruiter – Job search for part-time, entry-level, summer, internships, and virtual/remote (work from home). Narrow the job search results by job title, keyword, or location.