If you want your social media presence amplified and recognized by the college officially, you’ll have to adhere to the following regulations regarding account setup, use, and access.

Note: While these rules do involve providing Student Life staff access to specific social media accounts, Student Life staff will not take over posting responsibilities for your group/organization. The staff member assigned to the task /club representative is still responsible for all posting and engagements on these accounts.

All these rules are true for each social media platform of the time of this writing, and may need adjustment if the platforms change their rules of access.

YouTube channels for a student organization must be created with the Google account associated with a Bergen supplied email address for Student Life.

Additional users can have their Bergen supplied email addresses added as managing accounts.

A Bergen supplied email address must be used to create an account. Clubs must use an advisor’s Bergen email address for account creation.

When a new manager takes over a role, all social media email addresses should be updated to the new manager’s email address within the month. If old manager is unavailable, IT will help access that account.

If the advisor or manager already has a personal account on a given service associated with their Bergen email address, they should swap it with a personal email address to free their Bergen email address up.

The Director of Student Life should be made an admin on all organization pages, and said organization pages should be managed through Bergen’s official college/university presence within Linkedin. Advisors, alumni, and student officers can be made additional admins with reduced rights as needed.

Facebook TOS only allows one account per person, and personal accounts are the only way to manage Facebook groups/pages/etc. As a result, the director of Student Life must be made one of the admins of all recognized Facebook social media accounts for Bergen Clubs. This Bergen staff member will not post on behalf of the page/group nor respond to messages. Admin status is only to preserve access to this club resource across time.

Note: Instagram allows you to sign in or create an account with your Facebook profile, and to link a Facebook profile/page with your Instagram account. If that’s how people created their Instagram account already, we need them to change those accounts into business accounts, associate them with the proper Bergen email address as described above, and if they wish, relink afterwards. In other words, you can link accounts, but can’t make the only way you sign into your department/club Instagram account be your personal Facebook profile.

No need to share if we have access with to the Bergen staff/advisors email address

Data Retention Policy: Student organizations request a limited exception from the college’s overall DRP based on redundancy of information or the timeliness of social media posts.