All Deaf Services students are required to meet with an Accommodation Specialist and sign the Deaf Services Student Agreement Form before the end of the first week of classes.
If a student does not meet with an Accommodation Specialist, services may be suspended.

Click here to access/watch/view the “Deaf Services Request Process” video. Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.

Class schedules should be sent at least two weeks before the semester begins to ensure services are provided.
Class schedules sent less than two weeks before the semester risks the chance of limited-service availability.

Communication (Student must complete)

  • Deaf Services will contact students ONLY using their BCC student email address ( Please check it regularly.
  • For last minute changes (i.e., lateness or absence); please text using Signal Vine AND email as soon as possible!
  • Deaf Services emails/texts are monitored between the hours of 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Emails after 5:30 p.m. will be responded to the next business day.
  • Deaf Services does NOT monitor email or texts when the College offices are closed.

Notes: For technology assistance or help with your BCC email, please refer to resources accessible at

Student Procedures/Responsibilities

  • Students must request interpreting or captioning services two (2) business days BEFORE services are needed to Deaf Services via email to
  • You must inform when you are taking a exam whether it is in class or in the Testing Center at least two (2) business days BEFORE services are needed.
  • If you are planning to be absent, contact Deaf Services Students that do not attend class and do not notify Deaf Services will be documented as a “no-show”.
  • Cancellations should be two (2) business days BEFORE services are no longer needed via email OR text.
  • If a student is a “no show” for two (2) consecutive class meetings without communicating or notifying the department, Deaf Services reserves the right to suspend interpreting or captioning services. Services may be resumed after meeting with Deaf Services staff – Resource Accommodation Specialist.
  • If you are going to be late, notify Deaf Services via email OR text.
  • If you are late for three (3) class meetings; services will be suspended.
  • If the interpreter is late, the student should wait 5 minutes, then contact Deaf Services  via email to
  • If a professor cancels class please email Deaf Services via email to

Student Policy Reminders

  • All students must meet with the Accommodation Specialist every semester.
  • Request or cancel Interpreters (At least 2 days BEFORE if possible)
  • Notify Deaf Services of any change in your schedule
  • Notify if late, class cancellation, or dropped classes
  • Make appointments with Academic Counselor
  • Make sure you have Accommodation Forms
  • Request Note Takers each semester (this is YOUR responsibility).
  • Forward your updated Accommodation Letter to each professor/instructor.

Emergency Notification System