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Bergen Community College students transfer every year to colleges and universities throughout the United States. In fact, over the years, our students have transferred to colleges in all fifty states as well as to institutions of higher education in countries around the world.
It isn’t practical or possible to sign agreements with all of these colleges, nor is it necessary. Our academic reputation ensures that credits earned at Bergen Community College are well regarded and accepted in transfer. While we have strong relationships with the colleges listed here, and encourage you to explore these opportunities; there is no need to eliminate a college from your consideration just because there is no formal agreement in place.
While agreements can be valuable assets in the transfer process, it is important to note that Bergen students transfer successfully to many colleges where an agreement is not in place.
You can find equivalents for Bergen courses at all New Jersey colleges by going to the NJ Transfer website, and clicking on the Find Course Equivalents link.
If you are considering transfer to a college outside of our immediate geographic area, it is a good idea to keep copies of the outlines for courses you have taken at Bergen, just in case you encounter a problem with the transfer of a course.