Find your path to success with a diverse range of more than 120 degree, certificate, and continuing education programs.
Associate of Applied Science degree (A.A.S.)- Graphic Design and Computer Graphics Program
The graphic design and computer graphics program gives students a strong foundation in the fundamentals of artistic design, digital content creation, and portfolio development. The industries that employ graphic designers include specialized design services, publishing, advertising, public relations, and related service industries.
Computer Graphics Certificate
The certificate in Computer Graphics is designed for practicing professionals in this field who may need to update their skills or for students who have already completed substantial college level work. Students may choose only those courses for which prerequisites have been met. Returning professionals may request that prerequisites be waived by submitting a portfolio for review by a member of the Art faculty.
Computer Animation Certificate
The certificate in Computer Animation is designed for practicing professionals in this field who may need to update their skills or for students who have already completed substantial college level work. Students may choose only those courses for which prerequisites have been met. Returning professionals may request that prerequisites be waived by submitting a portfolio for review by a member of the Art faculty.