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Media Services mobile equipment may be checked out to faculty and students for classroom usage: PETS (Portable Electronic Teaching Station), slide projectors, tape/CD players, TV/DVD/VCR Carts, Digital Presenter Carts, Multimedia Projector Carts, etc.
- A full 24-hour notice is required for classroom equipment request
- Equipment must be picked up and dropped off at Media Services in L-226 F. Equipment requests for Saturday and Sunday can be picked up and dropped off at the Service Desk on the main floor of the library
- Checking out of portable multimedia projectors, laptops, digital camcorders and digital still cameras is restricted to faculty and staff members for academic related use only. Reservation is required
- Digital Cameras are restricted for use in the classroom by faculty and students for academic related purpose only. Reservation is required
- Equipment manuals are available in Media Services and online
- Call the Media Services at 201-879-7972 for equipment reservation or availability. Reservations for equipment may also be placed online.
Copyright Information
- United States Copyright Office
- Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.
- Stanford University copyright & fair use website
Media Circulation Policies
Media Materials Checkout
- Reserved titles can be checked out for 3 hours and be viewed in the Media Services’ viewing rooms only.
- Circulating materials can be checked out for 7 days.
- Materials reserved for a class may only be taken out by faculty for use in the classroom.
- Un-cataloged materials will not be circulated.
- Media materials in closed stacks are retrieved by staff members only at the Media Services desk.
- Request of equipment to be used in Student Center must be signed by Coordinator of the Student Activities.
- Equipment reserved by student must be accompanied by faculty’s name, course number, and classroom number.
- All multimedia materials and equipment can only be used by Bergen employees and students.
- A valid Bergen Community College ID is required for all multimedia materials and equipment check-outs.
Equipment Checkout
- Mobile equipment can only be checked out for instructional use in the classroom, or with the permission of Coordinator of Media Services.
- Digital cameras can only be checked out for instructional use for 24 hours, unless permitted by Coordinator of Media Services.
- Laptop computers can be checked out by faculty or staff for conference use only with the permission of Coordinator of Media Services.
- Equipment can be only used by Bergen employees and students for academic related work.