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Accommodations are tailored to the individual needs of students. Reasonable accommodations must be supported by current documentation.
A wide range of accommodations are available including, but not limited to:
Extended Time: On tests and quizzes only; not on assignments, projects, papers.
Click here to access/watch/view the “Extended Time Accommodation” video.
Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.
Option 1: Taking a test in person in class
- You receive EXTRA time, but you may not be guaranteed double time.
- Have a private conversation with your professor to either come early, stay late or take the quiz/exam during office hours in advance of the exam.
Option 2: Using accommodated testing in OSS
- You can have double time.
- Please arrange a testing deadline and confirm the test date with your professor.
- Your professor will deliver your test to the OSS Testing. Always follow up with an email about your conversation to confirm your arrangement.
Option 3: Taking classes online
- You are guaranteed double time.
- Most professors are testing using Canvas. The professor will adjust the time allotment for the test.
- If they are not using Canvas, they will give the test in a lockdown browser and the professor will also adjust the time for you.
Note Taking
Click here to access/watch/view the “Note Taking Accommodation” video.
Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.
- This is a support service for qualified individuals to assist in getting content information from classroom lectures and discussions.
- Students requesting this accommodation must present their note taking accommodation form to the instructor.
- Instructors are asked to assist the student in locating a note taker.
- Once a note taker is found, the student requesting the service must provide their note taker with contact information and make arrangements for receiving notes.
- Notes will be provided to the student within 24 hours.
- If a peer note taker cannot be located, the student should contact [email protected]. The office can work to identify a note taker through an
alternate resource. - We also provide notetaking services via Notetaking Express (a downloadable app) which emails you notes within 24-48 hours. This requires the student to meet with the Resource
Accommodation Specialist to sign up.
Permanent Tutoring Appointment
Click here to access/watch/view the “Permanent Tutoring Appointment Accommodation” video.
Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.
- Permanent appointment is essentially a standing appointment for the term/semester/session.
- This accommodation provides a set 2 hour/week per subject with the same tutor for the entire semester.
- You can start or end the appointments at any time.
- Tutoring accommodation is available to all students free of charge.
Click here to access/watch/view the “Calculator Accommodation” video.
Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.
- Permission to use a basic four function calculator (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division); not a scientific or graphing calculator.
- You will need to provide your own calculator.
Audio Recorder
Click here to access/watch/view the “Audio Recorder Accommodation” video.
Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.
- Record lectures using a digital device i.e. phone, recorder, or laptop.
Computer for Class
Click here to access/watch/view the “Computer for Class Accommodation” video.
Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.
- You are allowed to use your computer in class to apply your accommodations such as note taking, recording, assistive technology, captioning, and interpreting, or anything else that
your disability requires.
Computer for Testing
Click here to access/watch/view the “Computer for Testing Accommodation” video.
Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.
- You may use a computer to take your tests/quizzes to apply your accommodations such as note taking, recording, assistive technology, captioning, and interpreting, or anything else that your disability requires.
Individual Registration Assistance
Click here to access/watch/view the “Individual Registration Accommodation” video.
Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.
- When registration begins you can make a 1-hour appointment with an academic counselor.
- They can help you pick a program or evaluate the one you are in.
- You have access to that academic counselor anytime. *New Students ONLY.
Enlarged Print
Click here to access/watch/view the “Enlarged Print Accommodation” video.
Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.
- Having the font size and style to be larger and easier to read.
Wheelchair User
Click here to access/watch/view the “Wheelchair User Accommodation” video.
Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.
- Once the schedule is confirmed, an adjustable desk can be provided.
- Please email [email protected] with your class information.
Private Room
Click here to access/watch/view the “Private Room Accommodation” video.
Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.
- Use of a one-on one private room with a proctor.
Preferred Seating
Click here to access/watch/view the “Preferred Seating Accommodation” video.
Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.
- Student may arrange with the professor their seating preferences to help you learn.
Smart/Digital Pen
- A smart pen is a device that can record audio from lectures in addition to recording the handwritten notes that you take in class.
- A Digital Pen is an input device which captures the handwriting strokes and transfers it into digital information.
Click here to access/watch/view the “Reader Accommodation” video.
Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.
- You may use a reader (someone who reads the words/describes the pictures) for tests.
Click here to access/watch/view the “Scribe Accommodation” video.
Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.
- You may use a scribe (someone who writes down what you say) for tests.
Interpreting Services
Click here to access/watch/view the “Interpreting Services Accommodation” video.
Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.
- An ASL/English Interpreter for meetings, classes, events, etc.
- To utilize these services, you will be connected to Deaf Services ([email protected] )
Captioning (CART, C-Print/Typewell)
Click here to access/watch/view the “Captioning (CART, C-Print/Typewell) Accommodation” video.
Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.
- Use of remote captioning (CART and C-Print) services for meetings, classes, events, etc.
- To utilize these services, you will be connected to Deaf Services (via [email protected] )
Assistive Technology
Click here to access/watch/view the “Assistive Technology Registration Accommodation” video.
Note: This video will open in a new window or tab.
- Hardware such as use of an adapted mouse, adapted keyboard, or large monitor.
- Software programs that are developed for use as a screen-reader and magnifier programs.
Notes/Available options:- Text-To-Speech: Kurzweil 1000 and Kurzweil 3000 (Version 11)
- Screen Reader: JAWS (Version 10.0) – (may be under Fusion too)
- Screen Magnifier/Reader: Fusion – ZoomText Magnifier and Screen Reader (Version 9.1).