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Bergen Community College’s graduation rates have steadily increased during the last 12 years. This year’s graduates also include 57 individuals with 4.0 grade point averages; 68 members of Phi Theta Kappa, the national honor society for community colleges; and 33 members of the Judith K. Winn School of Honors.
Sunny Glottmann, of Garfield, is Bergen Community College’s 2013 valedictorian. Please see her bio below, along with other graduates from the Class of 2013.
Dr. B. Kaye Walter, the seventh president of Bergen Community College, is the keynote speaker. The College’s Board of Trustees appointed Dr. Walter as president on August 7, 2012.
Prior to working at Bergen, Dr. Walter served as the chancellor for Ivy Tech Community College – Central Indiana Region. She has more than 15 years experience in senior administrative positions in higher education. In the Central Indiana Region, the largest of the 14 regions that make up Indiana’s Ivy Tech Community College system, Dr. Walter oversaw an institution of more than 32,000 students operating with more than 1,300 faculty and staff.
In addition, Dr. Walter also has served as executive vice president and chief learning officer for Valencia Community College in central Florida, where she led the district’s four campuses and more than 63,000 students annually. She also oversaw faculty professional development, institutional research, and institutional effectiveness.
A native of Texas, she earned a doctorate in chemistry from Rice University in Houston, a master’s degree in divinity from Saint Paul School of Theology in Kansas City, Mo., and a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of Houston. Her academic career includes teaching general chemistry and organic chemistry while a professor at Kansas City Kansas Community College and as an instructor at Southern Methodist University in Dallas.
Telemundo News National Correspondent Lori Montenegro will offer her greetings to Graduates. Ms. Montenegro coves major national news. Both English- and Spanish-speaking networks throughout the nation carried Ms. Montenegro’s White House interview with President Barack Obama in March.