Find your path to success with a diverse range of more than 120 degree, certificate, and continuing education programs.
Department Chair: Matt King
Department Secretary: Marie Notholt
Room: Room T102A
Phone: (201) 447-7140
Computer Science Liaison: David Wang
Explore Areas of Study:
- Aviation Science
Prepare for advanced content in or employment in aviation administration
- Computer Science & Information Technology
Train in computer programming, information technology, database programming, network administration, web development, gaming, and overall computer science protocol.
- Drafting and Design
Learn to communicate design information by conventional pencil and sketch drafting, computer aided drafting, and oral communication.
- Engineering
Prepare for a career in specialized fields such as mechanical, electrical, biomedical, chemical, and civil engineering.
- Manufacturing and Industrial Technology
Train in drafting and design, manufacturing, electronics and general engineering, and industrial technology.