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Except for the open-ended, all questions are rated on a Likert scale:
The Instructor
- The instructor presented the course material in an organized manner.
- The instructor communicated the course objectives and material clearly.
- The instructor established a positive learning environment.
- The instructor provided helpful feedback about my work in this course.
- The instructor supported my progress towards achieving the course objectives.
- The instructor enhanced my interest in this subject.
- The instructor provided timely feedback on my academic performance/grades.
- The instructor encouraged students to ask questions and prompted class participation.
- The instructor seemed genuinely interested in teaching this class.
- The instructor graded assignments fairly
- Overall, this instructor was an effective teacher.
Open Ended Questions:
12. What did this instructor do well?
13. How can this instructor make changes to improve this course?
The Course
The first 6 Course Questions are rated on a Likert scale:
- The course challenged me intellectually.
- My knowledge increased from this course.
- The course assignments accurately reflected the goals of the course.
- The textbooks and reading materials enhanced the learning experience in this course.
- Test questions accurately reflected course content.
- On-line materials such as instructions, lectures, announcements, Power Points, videos, Podcasts, links, etc.,) were clear and presented in a logical manner.
20) The workload for this course was:
One of the Heaviest Heavier than Average About Average Lighter than Average One of the lightest
21) I would recommend this course to other students.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
The Student
These student questions are graded on a Likert scale:
- I attended this class or participated in this class regularly.
- I was always prepared for class.
- I had a strong desire to take this course.
- This was a required course for me.
Open Ended Questions
26) If this is an online course, how would you compare the work load to a traditional face-to-face course?
27) Is there anything about this course that we did not ask but you would like to tell us?