Find your path to success with a diverse range of more than 120 degree, certificate, and continuing education programs.
Career Technologies Associate of Applied Science degree (A.A.S.)- Science Technology, Horticulture
The two-year Horticulture program prepares students with hands-on training in a wide range of topics that can lead directly to employment in horticulture or to a four-year program. Student will have a broad exposure to the science, art and business of horticulture.
Career Technologies Associate of Applied Science degree (A.A.S.)- Science Technology, Horticulture- Landscape/Design/Build Option
The two-year Landscape Design/Build option provides students with a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that prepares them for direct employment in the landscape design field. It includes sustainable design and construction, management and development of presentation skills.
Floral Design Certificate
Students taking the Floral Design Certificate are exposed to the materials and creative processes of the florist and interior landscaping industries. The role that both the physical and environmental setting has on the elements of design (color, texture and form) and aesthetic considerations are dealt with in laboratory and lecture projects.
Grounds Management Certificate
Students taking the Grounds Management Certificate understand the function of various plant types (e.g. grasses, shrubs, trees, herbaceous plants) and the cultural needs of these for sustainably dealing with soils, water, fertilizer, pruning, pest control, planting and more. A hands-on educational approach is given to each student with designed projects for them to fulfill on campus.
Landscaping Certificate
Students enrolled in the Landscape Certificate are exposed to the plants and construction materials utilized to transform a new or existing site for functional and/or aesthetic needs. Students study a site, prepare a plan, and implement a project on campus as one of the laboratory components. They demonstrate the design principles they have learned to resolve problems in the everyday world of landscaping (drainage, topography, exposure, sustainability, etc.).