Welcome to the online learning at Bergen. Students registered in an online or hybrid course are enrolled in a Canvas course. In addition, your instructor may use Canvas to supplement face-to-face or a synchronous course.

When does my online course begin?

Your online course begins the first day of the academic semester. Unless otherwise instructed, your class begins on the first day of the semester.

Where do I login to Canvas?

To access your course in Canvas open a browser and go to the Portal site my.bergen.edu. You can find instructions on how to login to the Portal and connect to Canvas via Portal listed on the Portal Help Site. If you do not remember your Bergen username, view the instructions. If you previously logged into the portal but have now forgotten your password, view the instructions.

How will I get my login information?

About one week before the beginning of the semester, you will receive an email with login instructions. If your email address or home address has changed, please go into Self Service and update your record or email regoffice@bergen.edu with the new information. If you register after class has begun, you will receive an email within 24 hours.

I just registered, why can’t I login to my course?

You may not able to access your course until the first day of class. Please try again at that time. If you have registered late, it will take 1 business day to be sure that you have been added to the Canvas course you registered for.

How is attendance taken in an online course?

Your instructor will take attendance based on how they are engaging students via synchronous sessions, asynchronous sessions, and on-campus activities. Individual instructors may have specific attendance policies listed in the course syllabus.

Do I need to be on the computer at any specific time?

If you are enrolled in an online asynchronous course, you can log into your course at your convenience. However, keep in mind that many instructors require specific online course requirements throughout each week. You are responsible for all online course requirements.

If you are enrolled in a hybrid course, most of your course will be online, but some portion will be on-campus.

If you are enrolled in an online synchronous course, you are required to join your class online at specific time. Check Self-service for location and class time.

If you are enrolled in an online mix course, check with your instructor when you are scheduled for real time meetings. After checking with your instructor for scheduled real time meetings, you will work on your course asynchronously.

Where do I find syllabus and Textbook information?

Textbook information will be listed in the course syllabus, and you can purchase your textbook from the Bergen Community College bookstore on-line at http://www.efollet.com. For orders placed by Monday afternoon, books will ship out on Wednesday. For orders placed by Wednesday afternoon, they will ship out the following Monday. If you have any questions, be sure to consult erovetto@follett.com to make sure you purchase the correct book for your course.

Where should I check my course email and important announcements?

Be sure to check your Bergen Gmail account for important information from the College and your instructor. The Canvas Inbox is available in your course to send an email directly to your instructor.

How am I assessed in an online course?

Student performance in online courses will be assessed the same way as face-to-face courses. You may have term papers, projects, discussions, essays or other assignments, as well as quizzes or tests.  The method depends on your instructor, so be sure to read your syllabus carefully as it will explain this in detail. Check with your instructor as to how you can find out about your assignment or test grades.  Final course grades will be available on the Self Service platform.

How can I access academic services remotely?

If you need to report a problem or issue, check out the technical support page.