Documentation is necessary to establish both the presence of a disability and the need for accommodation.
Students must complete the Student Eligibility Process to receive accommodations.

As a part of  the Student Eligibility Process and before the documentation is reviewed, students MUST complete the online OSS Intake Form.

In order to accurately determine and provide the most appropriate accommodations and auxiliary services, the following documentation guidelines are recommended:

  • Documentation submitted must be current  (which is no more than five (5) years old) and include a description of any diagnostic tests or criteria used and the results of any standardized testing, explanations of functional limitations of the disability on learning or other major life activities and the degree to which it impacts the student.
    Recommendations for reasonable accommodations and services should be logically related to the student’s functional limitations and their specific condition.
  • OSS can send a list of referrals for evaluations at your own expense.
  • OSS does not accept handwritten documentation. All information submitted must be typed and should include the credentials of the diagnosing professional/physician.
  • Recommendations by outside providers/agencies will be considered and may be determined on a case by case basis.
  • OSS may substitute another reasonable accommodation if it is considered to be as effective and parallel to the one recommended while ensuring that the determination is a deliberative and collaborative process.
  • Documentation of a specific disability does not translate directly into a specific accommodation or set of accommodations, instead reasonable accommodations are determined on a case-by-case and course-by-course basis and based upon a deliberative and collaborative process that is responsive to the unique experience of an individual and course or program they are enrolled in.
  • After careful review, OSS has the right to request additional documentation when the need for reasonable accommodations are not supported or deny a requested accommodation when deemed unreasonable.

All documentation received by OSS is reviewed in date order of receipt.

In order to ensure timely access to all eligible accommodations OSS highly encourages students submit documentation well in advance of suggested semester deadline dates.

Requests for specific accommodations will be reviewed on an individual case by case basis.

Accommodations Request Supporting Documentation

Below are some examples of documentation to submit for the Student Eligibility Process / Accommodations:

  • Full Report of Educational Evaluations
  • Full report of Psychological Evaluations
  • 504 Plan
  • Individual Education Plan (IEP)
  • Typed Medical Letter, etc.


  • Typed Medical Letter requirements from a Medical Professional/ Doctor:
  1. A letter from your physician must be on letterhead
  2. The diagnosis must be stated
  3. How the diagnosis affects you academically, physically, environmental, etc. that is, what barrier does your diagnosis create for learning.
  4. What accommodations the physician recommends and how they will support the student
  • An Individual Educational Program (IEP) or 504 Plan may be useful but by itself will not be accepted to establish the need for accommodations.