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It is beneficial for faculty to meet with students that have self identified as having a disability in order to discuss how to implement the accommodations requested. It is recommended that any meeting take place in a location that protects the privacy of the student.
Faculty should provide reasonable accommodations to any student who has submitted a copy of an accommodations form. If the student discloses the need for accommodations but does not provide a copy of the appropriate form please refer them to OSS.
Faculty are not obligated to provide accommodations to a student with a known disability who has not requested them. Students have the right to decide for themselves whether or not to use accommodations.
Faculty are only obligated to provide accommodations from the date a student submits their accommodation request. Faculty are not required to provide retroactive accommodations.
Faculty and students should work together to ensure services are provided in a timely manner. If there are any issues arising from a student’s use of his/her accommodations please contact our office for assistance.
OSS will make every effort to ensure the implementation of all reasonable and appropriate accommodations for eligible students. Requests that may alter the academic standards or course/ degree requirements will be denied. If you have specific questions or concerns relating to this process please contact OSS.
If you suspect a student experiencing difficulties in class may have a disability, you may wish to speak with them privately about your concerns as they relate to their performance in class. Ask the student if they are aware of all of the support services available at BCC that may assist them. It may be helpful to provide the student with a list of support services that includes OSS.