It is to the benefit of the applicant if they complete the application as independently as possible.
It is acceptable for the applicant to receive support, if needed in completing the application.

Turning Point Program Application Checklist

An application must contain all of the following components before it is considered by the Admissions Committee:

  1. Turning Point Application Form
  2. Current Photo of the Applicant
  3. Student Questionnaire
  4. Parent / Guardian Information
  5. Emergency contact and Medical Information
  6. Educational Evaluation completed within 5 years for school purposes and/or by an outside provider that contains documentation of grade equivalencies.
  7. Psychological Evaluation completed within 5 years for school purposes and/or by an outside provider that contains documentation of a Full Scale IQ.
  8. Academic performance documentation including most recent individualized education plan (IEP), official high school transcripts or any records from attended secondary or post-secondary programs.
  9. Two letters of recommendation completed by non-family members that have known the applicant for one or more years.Notes: The letters of recommendation must be sent WITH the application in sealed envelopes with the writers’ signatures across the seal.

Turning Point Program Application Forms

  • Turning Point program application period is open. Applications are accepted by mail only.
  • The Turning Point Program/Admissions Application Packet is now available:

Turning Point Program – Student Application Form – Click here (PDF)