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Opening Reception at Gallery Bergen – Thursday, February 6, 5:00 – 9:00 pm
Exhibition runs from February 6 – March 27, 2020
Gallery Hours: M – F, 11:00 am to 5 pm and by appointment
Curated by Sarah Haviland and Tim Blunk
Caroline Bergonzi
Holly Ewald
Lynda Frese
Sarah Haviland
Robert and Shana ParkeHarrison
Paul Villinski
Sunbin Kim
Diane Moser & Dennis Connors
David Rothenberg & Ville Tanttu
Gallery Bergen, the visual arts space of Bergen Community College, announces the opening of its next exhibition, Ornithology: Patterns in Flight. An extraordinary group of visual and sound artists explore the coevolution of birds and humans on our planet, the ways in which birds have inspired us in flight and in song, and how our possible futures are intertwined.
The BCC college community and the public are invited to attend the Opening Reception for the Artists, Avians, and Aviators, scheduled for Thursday, February 6 from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Clarinetist/composer/author David Rothenberg will perform music from his latest project, The Nightingales in Berlin. Composer/sound artist/pianist Sunbin Kim will also play selections from Olivier Messiaen’s Catalogue d’Oiseaux (Catalogue of Birds.) BCC’s Emil Buehler Aviation Education Center will participate with a hands-on demonstration of its flight simulator. Community birding clubs, ultralight aircraft enthusiasts, and organizations such as Hackensack Riverkeeper have also been invited to attend what is hoped to be a confluence of “all of us whose imaginations are moved by birds.”