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Entrance Requirements for Health Professions Programs
Admission to college programs in health professions is limited to a specific number of candidates each year because of requirements imposed by accrediting agencies and by the availability of faculty, college laboratories, and clinical agency resources. To ensure that all applicants are evaluated in the same way, within each discipline, criteria for acceptance have been developed by the Division of Health Professions and Student Services. These criteria will be utilized in determining the candidates who will be offered admission. Admission will have a step process: academic eligibility will be determined, as well as a criminal history background check, basic skills testing, and admissions examination for the Respiratory Care program.
All eligible candidates for admission to the Respiratory Care program are required to take a national Health Professions standardized admissions examination – The Admissions Assessment Examination by HESI. There is a fee that is payable directly to the examination company. The examination is given off-campus at a testing center. All eligible Respiratory Care candidates with a clear background report will receive an invitation to take the examination. The invitation will outline all information related to the examination.
If students have not taken the necessary high school prerequisites, the courses can be made up by substituting courses taken at Bergen. These courses must be taken before students apply to any Health Professions program. Science prerequisites must be completed within the last five years. Applicable college science courses taken more than five years ago are not transferable. All science grades must be a “C” or better.
Please be advised that candidates for all Health Professions programs taking prerequisite science courses with labs must register for sections that are delivered on-campus or as a hybrid (online lecture/on-campus lab). Effective January 2022, all prerequisite science courses must have an on-campus lab component. Students who took online science courses from Spring 2020 through Fall 2021 will be exempt from this requirement.
All students applying to health professions programs must take the basic skills test and successfully complete all remedial coursework prior to the application deadline.
A successful candidate for a health professions program at Bergen Community College must possess certain abilities and skills necessary to provide and maintain safe and effective care administered to the patient. The candidate must be able to function on an independent level without any intermediary. These skills and abilities include observation, communication, motor skills, cognitive, intellectual skills, behavioral, and social attributes.
Health Professions students must carry personal medical health insurance, professional liability insurance, and be certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) by the American Heart Association (Healthcare Provider with AED). In addition, all health professions students are required to complete health examination forms upon admission to the program and fulfill the requirement for a yearly Mantoux skin test for tuberculosis.
Students seeking admission to the Respiratory Care program must submit completed applications including transcripts by the application deadline.
Criminal History Background Check/Drug Screening Requirement
Clinical agencies mandate criminal history background checks and drug screenings for all individuals engaged in patient care, and all students must undergo criminal history background checks before admission may be offered. These checks are conducted by external companies, and the information is sent to the Dean of Health Professions. All background reports must be clear to be eligible for admission and to be invited to take any Admissions Examination. Any applicant with a criminal history background report that is NOT clear will not be eligible for consideration.
Drug screenings must be completed after acceptance to the program. The drug screening form will be sent with the acceptance packet and must be completed by the deadline noted. All drug screenings must be negative to be eligible to participate in the program.
Minimum Entrance Requirements for Health Professions
Degree Programs
Respiratory Care Program AAS.HP.RESP
Program Length: 24 months
Application Deadline: January 15
GPA for Admissions Eligibility: 2.50
Preadmission Test: Respiratory Care Admission Exam
High School Prerequisite Courses: Chemistry w/lab; Algebra and Biology w/lab. High School students must complete CHM-112 (College Chemistry), before the application deadline. A junior or senior high school student, 16 years of age or older, may apply for dual enrollment, with their guidance counselor or principal’s permission/endorsement. They can register for CHM-112 during the fall semester and successfully complete before the application deadline.
Prerequisite Courses:
- Anatomy and Physiology I (4 credits; in-person lab required)
- College Chemistry (4 credits; in-person lab required)
- Algebra for Liberal Arts
Note: High school Biology is waived if college BIO109 is completed successfully.
Information in this document is subject to change at any time.