What is IRB Review?
Review the ‘Purpose of IRB Review’ and ‘Does my project require IRB Approval?’ sections on the right to help you determine if your research project requires that you comply with the Common Rule for the Projection of Human Subjects.
Do you need IRB Approval?
No – you are done.
Yes – you must complete and submit an IRB Application for Review of Proposed Research
The review process requires that you:
- Get approval from your Supervisor
- Complete the application and submit online
- Obtain required signature and submit to the Center for Institutional Effectiveness Office, A 305.
- The IRB Chair will review and if you qualified for expedited review you will receive written IRB approval within 2 weeks of submission and may then commence your research.
- If your research requires IRB approval, the IRB Chair may ask for additional information before the formal review date.
- On the formal review dates, the IRB will decide whether or not you qualify for IRB approval and that approval may be continent on your accepting restrictions or changes to your protocol.
- You will receive a formal notice of IRB approval that will include information on the termination date of your study, when your report is due and any restrictions on your activities and you may begin your research.