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Parking and Traffic Regulations
The county and municipal police, as well as campus public safety officers, enforce all traffic and parking regulations on campus. Students violating traffic and parking regulations on campus are subject to fines, penalties, and/or disciplinary action that could lead to suspension or dismissal from the College.
Parking Permit Decal
Students planning to use campus parking facilities must obtain a parking permit decal for their vehicle. Extra cars may be registered at a cost of $5.00 each. This sticker is obtained after proper registration of the vehicle has been completed, by applying for a decal online using the Parking Decal Request Form. When it has been processed, you will receive an email that the decal is ready with instructions to pick it up at Public Safety Headquarters Paramus Campus located in the Pitkin Education Center Rm L154.
Students must present a valid driver’s license and the current bursar’s receipt, and/or I.D. Card.
Student parking is available in lots A, B, and C as specified. Unless given advance authorization and permit by Public Safety (Room L-154), use of all other parking areas is prohibited.
Parking along curbs, fire zones, handicapped or medical spaces, and loading/unloading areas is prohibited.
Disabled or severely injured students can make arrangements for special parking privileges at the Department of Public Safety. The application for temporary medical parking is available in the Health Services Office.
Appeals Process
If a student, staff, or faculty member is issued a ticket resulting in a fine, they must pay the ticket in person or by mail to the Bursar’s Office within 15 days of issuance. Failure to do so will result in an additional $10 fine. (Reg. VI, Article D)
To appeal a ticket to the College Motor Vehicle Appeals Board, please complete the Appeal Form within 15 days of the issuance of the ticket. This board is composed of students, faculty, and staff that are trained in Public Safety & Student Conduct processes.
2022-2023 College Motor Vehicle Appeals Board Schedule TBA.