Department Chair: Heidi Lieb
Phone: (201) 447-7168

The mission of the ESL / ALP – American Language Program is to provide English as a Second Language (ESL) students, from beginner to advanced levels, with the knowledge and English language skills needed to reach their academic, professional, and personal goals.

ESL/ALP has four levels (Beginner, Low Intermediate, Intermediate, Advanced), and each level consists of courses in Grammar, Reading, Writing, and Speaking/Listening.  Students’ starting levels are determined by results of a language placement test.

Students who test into the advanced level may be eligible to enroll in a learning community, which is a paired ESL and college-level course while completing ESL requirements.

If you are a new international student interested in applying to obtain the F-1 Student Visa, please contact the International Student Center

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If you have any further questions after reviewing the information on this site, please feel free to contact the ESL Department Chair at [email protected].
