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Full-time BCC faculty may apply for borrowing privileges at most college and university libraries in New Jersey by requesting an authorization form at the BCC Library’s Service Desk. This service is not available for adjunct faculty or students.
Instructions to BCC Faculty
- Consult the lists of VALE Reciprocal Borrowing Participating Libraries to determine if you qualify for onsite borrowing privileges at the library you are interested in visiting.
- Ask staff at the BCC Library’s Service Desk for a VALE Reciprocal Borrowing Application Form and fill it out. If you are applying for privileges at more than one library, you must fill out a form for each library. Library staff at your home library will verify your standing and sign the form.
- Present the signed application form along with a photo ID at the participating library’s circulation desk. You will be issued borrowing privileges and/or a guest borrower card. Privileges are for one academic year and expire June 30th.
- To renew your borrowing privileges, you must present a new application form signed by staff at your home library.
- You will be responsible for complying with the lending library’s circulation policies, including loan periods, overdue fines, recalls, all replacement and processing fees, and for returning all borrowed items directly to the lending library.
Instructions to Faculty from Other VALE Institutions Borrowing from BCC Library:
Full-time faculty at participating NJ academic libraries may borrow books by presenting a completed VALE Faculty Reciprocal Borrowing Application form signed by her/his home academic library and a photo ID card.
- Borrowing privileges are extended for the current academic year ending June 30th.
- Item Limits: 5 items from the circulating book collection at any given time.
- Loan period – 21 days.
- A book may be renewed for one loan period (21 days) unless requested by another patron; renewals may be made:
- in person,
- or by calling the Service Desk at 201-879-7970.
- Responsibility for lost or damaged items.
- Suspension of borrowing privileges: Borrowing privileges are suspended when material is overdue.
- Service restrictions: Recalls, Holds and Interlibrary Loan requests will not be placed for VALE reciprocal borrowers.
- Return of materials: Borrowers must return items directly to BCC.
- Borrowing privileges are limited to the Sidney Silverman Library at Bergen Community College only, and are not recognized by agreements with other institutions.
- Some restrictions may apply.