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Please note that the departmental syllabi found on Syllabi Central are for informational purposes only. In some cases individual course syllabi may differ slightly. Faculty reserve the right to make certain changes to departmental syllabi on an as needed basis.
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Business, Arts, Social Science | Health Professions | Humanities | Mathematics, Science & Technology | Interdisciplinary
Division of Business, Arts and Social Sciences
Business & Hotel/Restaurant Management – ACC, BNF, BUS, HRM
- ACC-100 Intro to Accounting
- ACC-107 Federal Taxation
- ACC-110 Financial Acct
- ACC-115 Gov & Not-for-Profit Acct
- ACC-120 Comput Acctg
- ACC-202 Intermed Acctg I
- ACC-203 Intermed Acctg II
- ACC-206 Hospitality Acct
- ACC-210 Managerial Acct
- ACC-215 Topics in Accounting
- ACC-292 Co-Op/Accounting
- ACC-293 Co-Op/Accounting
- BNF-101 Principles of Banking
- BNF-102 Personal Finance & Money Mgmt
- BNF-103 Sports Finance
- BNF-201 Prin of Finance
- BNF-202 Asset Management
- BNF-205 Entrepreneurship
- BNF-207 Prin Inv&Port Mgt
- BNF-208 International Finance
- BNF-292 Co-Op/Banking & Finance
- BNF-293 Co-Op/Banking & Finance
- BUS-101 Intro to Business
- BUS-102 Retailing
- BUS-103 Business Math
- BUS-104 Customer Service
- BUS-105 Bus Communications
- BUS-106 Effective Selling
- BUS-107 e-Tailing
- BUS-110 Transp Logistics & Supply
- BUS-115 Intro to Nonprofit Org
- BUS-116 Funding & Grant Mgmt
- BUS-117 Fundraising for Nonprofit Org
- BUS-118 Princ Publishing Operations
- BUS-120 Social Ntwking for Business
- BUS-129 Event Planning & Mgt I
- BUS-150 Sport & Team Branding
- BUS-170 Sm Business Mgt
- BUS-201 Marketing Principles
- BUS-202 International Marketing
- BUS-203 Sports Marketing
- BUS-205 Entrepreneurship
- BUS-207 Prin of Bus Mgmt
- BUS-208 Human Resources Mgt
- BUS-210 E-Marketing
- BUS-211 Internet Law
- BUS-229 Event Planning & Mgt II
- BUS-233 Business Law I
- BUS-234 Business Law II
- BUS-250 Advertising
- BUS-251 Sports Merch & Promo
- BUS-262 Fund Int’l Business
- BUS-271 E-Commerce
- BUS-293 Co-Op Wk Exp (Bus Admin)
- HRM-101 Introduction to Hospitality
- HRM-102 Food Protection and Safety
- HRM-103 Professional Food Preparation Techniques
- HRM-104 Front Office Operations
- HRM-106 Menu Planning
- HRM-107 Housekeeping
- HRM-110 Introduction to Baking
- HRM-112 Charcuterie and Butchering
- HRM-113 Food History and Culture
- HRM-129 Event Planning and Management I
- HRM-130 Introduction to Wines, Beers and Spirits
- HRM-132 Barista Fundamentals Coffees and Teas
- HRM-140 Special Topics in the Foodservice and Hospitality Industry
- HRM-201 Food & Beverage Cost Control
- HRM-202 Quantity Food Production Management
- HRM-203 Beverage Management
- HRM-205 Restaurant Service Management
- HRM-206 Commercial Restaurant Operation
- HRM-208 Confectionery Arts
- HRM-209 Artisan Bread Production
- HRM-210 Specialty Cakes
- HRM-211 American Regional Cuisine
- HRM-212 International Cuisine
- HRM-213 Classical Garde Manger
- HRM-216 Facilities Planning, Layout and Design
- HRM-219 Hospitality Law
- HRM-220 Advanced Baking
- HRM-223 Asian Cuisine
- HRM-224 Hospitality Entrepreneurship
- HRM-225 Purchasing and Cost Control
- HRM-229 Event Planning and Management II
- HRM-292 Hospitality Work Experience
ARTS – Visual & Performing – ART, FAB, DAN, MUS, THR
- ART-101 Introduction to Art and Visual Culture
- ART-102 History of Art and Visual Culture to 1400
- ART-103 History of Art and Visual Culture 1400 to 1900
- ART-104 Modern Art 1890-1940
- ART-105 History of ANIMATION
- ART-106 History of Graphic Design
- ART-107 History of Photography
- ART-108 Sculpture 1
- ART-122 2D Design
- ART-123 Life Drawing 1
- ART-124 Drawing
- ART-125 Illustration
- ART-127 Painting 1
- ART-128 Watercolor
- ART-129 Mixed Media: Digital and Handmade
- ART-160 Sound for Visual Media
- ART-181 Photography I
- ART-184 Digital Photography
- ART-189 Computer 2D Illustration
- ART-192 3 Dimensional Animation I
- ART-197 Computer Imaging
- ART-220 Computer Layout
- ART-223 Life Drawing 2
- ART-224 Advanced Drawing
- ART-226 Letterform and Type
- ART-229 Painting 3
- ART 230 Painting 4
- ART-259 Computer Graphics for Web Development
- ART-260 Graphic Design I
- ART-271 Folio Presentation
- ART-288 Computer Layout II
- ART-290 Computer 2D Animation I
- ART-291 Computer 2D Animation II
- ART-293 3 Dimensional Animation II
- ART-298 Interactive Multimedia
- FAB-101 Introduction to Fashion System
- FAB-102 Textile Science & Construction
- FAB-110 Sewing Techniques I
- FAB-112 Flat Patternmaking I
- FAB-113 Draping I
- FAB-200 Fundamentals of Fashion Sketching and Presentation
- FAB-210 Sewing Techniques II
- FAB-212 Flat Patternmaking II
- FAB-213 Draping II
- FAB-220 Fashion Design Capstone
- FAB-230 Trend Analysis & Product Development
- FAB-231 Tech Packs: Digital Flats & Specs
- DAN-102 Ballet Dance
- DAN-103 Modern Dance
- DAN-105 Jazz Dance
- DAN-110 Ballroom Dance
- DAN-124 Dance Appreciation
- MUS-101 Introduction to Music
- MUS-102 Foundations of Music Education
- MUS-103 Fundamentals of Music
- MUS-105 History of Jazz in America
- MUS-106 World Music
- MUS-107 History of Western Music Before 1750
- MUS-108 History of Western Music After 1750
- MUS-109 History of Musical Theater
- MUS-110 Music Art and Drama
- MUS-111 History of American Popular Music
- MUS-118 Vocal Workshop
- MUS-119 Songwriting Workshop
- MUS-120 Pop/Rock Ensemble I
- MUS-121 Chorus I
- MUS-125 Chamber Ensemble I
- MUS-131 Class Piano I
- MUS-132 Music Theory
- MUS-134 Ear Training and Musicianship I
- MUS-137 Guitar Workshop
- MUS-140 Jazz Ensemble I
- MUS-151 Music Production Technology
- MUS-152 Introduction to the Music Business
- MUS-160 Sound for Visual Media
- MUS-163 Careers in Music
- MUS-220 Pop/Rock Ensemble II
- MUS-221 Pop/Rock Ensemble III
- MUS-222 Pop/Rock Ensemble IV
- MUS-231 Class Piano II
- MUS-232 Music Theory
- MUS-234 Ear Training and Musicianship II
- MUS-235 Ear Training and Musicianship III
- MUS-236 Music Theory III
- MUS-241 Class Piano III
- MUS-242 Class Piano IV
- MUS-246 Jazz Ensemble II
- MUS-247 Jazz Ensemble III
- MUS-248 Jazz Ensemble IV
- MUS-250 Electronic Music Composition
- MUS-251 Studio Recording Techniques
- MUS-252 Music in the Marketplace
- MUS-255 Chorus II
- MUS-256 Chorus III
- MUS-257 Chorus IV
- MUS-258 Chamber Ensemble II
- MUS-259 Chamber Ensemble III
- MUS-260 Chamber Ensemble IV
- MUS-261 Advanced Studio Recording
- MUS-262 Concert Promotion and Production
- MUS-265 Live Event Audio Production
- THR-101 Introduction to the Theater
- THR-109 History of Musical Theater
- THR-110 Basic Acting Technique
- THR-111 Oral Interpretation of Literature
- THR-113 Movement for the Performing Artist
- THR-120 Stage Make-Up
- THR-124 Dance Appreciation
- THR-125 Costume Construction I
- THR-131 Stagecraft & Lighting
- THR-134 Set Design I
- THR-208 The Elements of Playwriting
- THR-210 Scene Study
- THR-212 Acting for the Camera
- THR-214 Audition Techniques
- THR 215 Directing for the Stage
- THR-216 Theatre Production Workshop
- THR-217 Theatre Performance & Production
- THR-231 Stage Lighting
- THR-232 Stage Management
- THR-265 Live Event Audio Production
- THR-294 Co-Op Work Experience (Stage Technology)
Criminal Justice & Legal Studies – CRJ, LGL, LGN, BUS, REA, FIR, HSE
- CRJ-101 Intro Criminal Justice
- CRJ-103 Criminal Law
- CRJ-105 Police Administration
- CRJ-107 Criminology
- CRJ-108 Topics Criminal Justice
- CRJ-109 Contemporary Issues in Policing
- CRJ-111 Criminal Investigation
- CRJ-113 Juvenile Justice
- CRJ-115 Correctional Law
- CRJ-120 Practical Criminal Evidence
- CRJ-201 Ethics in Criminal Justice
- CRJ-283 Co-Op Work Experience [Security]
- LGL-101 Fundamentals of Law
- LGL-103 Legal Search & Writing
- LGL-104 Healthcare Ethics & Law
- LGL-110 Legal Ethics
- LGL-200 Business Communication for Paralegals
- LGL-202 NJ & Federal Courts: Rules and Procedure
- LGL-203 Paralegalism
- LGL-205 Mechanics of Property Transactions
- LGL-206 Mechanics of Commercial Transactions
- LGL-207 Wills & Estate Administration
- LGL-208 Mechanics of Family Law
- LGL-210 Legal Aspects of Accounting
- LGL-219 Hospitality Law
- LGL-220 Computer Assisted Legal Research and Technology
- LGL-234 Personal Injury & Product Liability
- LGL-292 Co-op Work Experience (Paralegal)
- LGN-105 Principals of Legal Nurse Consulting
- REA-101 Principals of Real Estate I
- REA-201 Principals of Real Estate II
- BUS-233 Business Law I
- BUS-234 Business Law II
- FIR-101 Introduction to Fire Protection
- FIR-102 Fundamentals of Fire Prevention/ Fire Inspector 1
- FIR-104 Fire Tactics and Strategy
- FIR-106 Fire Administration
- FIR -151 Fire Tactics and Strategy
- HSE-101 Introduction to Homeland Security
- HSE-103 Legal Aspects of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
- HSE-104 Disaster Management, Risk Assessment and Mitigation
Social Science: Anthropology, Economics, Education, Poly Sci, Psychology, Sociology – ANT, ECO, EDU, POL, PSY, SOC
- ANT-100 Intro to Anthropology
- ANT-101 Cultural Anthropology
- ANT-102 Introduction to Archaeology
- ECO-101 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECO-102 Principles of Microeconomics
- ECO-110 Environmental Economics
- ECO-202 Intermediate Microeconomics
- ECO-203 Intermediate Macroeconomics
- EDU-101 Introduction to Education
- EDU-102 Inclusion and the Exceptional Child
- EDU-110 Foundations of Multicultural Education
- EDU-120 Foundations of Early Childhood Education
- EDU-130 Infant and Toddler Care and Education
- EDU-140 Educational Technology
- EDU-201 Principles and Practices in Education
- EDU-220 Developmental Theory and Learning
- EDU-226 Supervised Field Work Experience
- POL-101 American Government
- POL-102 International Relations
- POL-103 Mod Political Ideologies
- POL-104 State and Local Government
- POL-107 Mod Political Ideologies
- PSY-101 General Psychology
- PSY-102 Intro Abnormal Psychology
- PSY-103 Educational Psychology
- PSY-104 Psychology of Human Relations
- PSY-106 Developmental Psychology
- PSY-110 Psychology of Sexuality
- PSY-111 Sports Psychology
- PSY-114 Environmental Psychology
- PSY-115 Behavior Modification
- PSY-123 HONORS Cross-Cult Psychology
- PSY-127 Stress Management
- PSY-201 Child Psychology
- PSY-202 Psychology of Adolescence
- PSY-207 Psychology of Women
- PSY-210 Social Psychology
- SOC-101 Sociology
- SOC-102 Intro to Human Services
- SOC-103 Sociology of Family
- SOC-104 Introduction to Social Work
- SOC-106 Intro to LGBTQ Cultures
- SOC-113 Social Problems
- SOC-115 Intro to Substance Abuse
- SOC-116 Substance Abuse Counseling
- SOC-120 Sociology of Gender Roles
- SOC-121 Changing Roles of Women
- SOC-222 Ethnic and Minority Group Relations
- SOC-293 Co-Op/Sociology
Communication, Cinema – COM, CIN
- COM-100 Speech Communication
- COM-101 Mass Media of Communication
- COM 102 Public Speaking
- COM-103 Introduction to Radio & Television
- COM-105 Radio Production
- COM-106 TV Production
- COM-110 Print Journalism Production
- COM-111 Video Post Production
- COM-114 Intercultural Communication
- COM-116 Interpersonal Communication
- COM-122 Argumentation and Debate
- MUS-ART-COM-160 Sound for Visual Media
- COM-201 Introduction to Journalism
- COM-205 Advanced Radio Production
- COM-206 Writing for the Mass Media
- COM-207 TV Production 2
- COM-208 Directing for Television
- COM-210 Public Relations
- COM-212 Copy Editing
- COM-214 Digital Filmmaking
- COM-215 Podcasting
- CIN-140 Introduction to Cinema
- CIN-150 Special Topics in Cinema 1
- CIN-160 Women in Cinema
- CIN-170 American Cinema
- CIN-250 Special Topics in Cinema 2
English, ESL, Literature, World Languages, Writing – ALP, EBS, ENG, SPE, LAN, LIT, WRT
- ALP-004 American Language Foundations Grammar: Part A
- ALP-005 American Language Foundations Grammar: Part B
- ALP-006 American Language Foundations Reading
- ALP-007 American Language Foundations Writing
- ALP-041 American Language I Grammar: Part A
- ALP-042 American Language I Grammar: Part B
- ALP-043 American Language I Writing
- ALP-044 American Language I Reading
- ALP-051 American Language II Grammar: Part A
- ALP-052 American Language II Grammar: Part B
- ALP-053 American Language II Writing
- ALP-054 American Language II Reading
- ALP-055 American Language II Directed Studies
- ALP-061 American Language III Grammar: Part A
- ALP-062 American Language III Grammar: Part B
- ALP-063 American Language III Writing
- ALP-064 American Language III Reading
- ALP-065 American Language III Directed Studies
- ALP-068 TOEFL iBT Prep
- EBS-011 Developmental Skills I
- EBS-012 Developmental Skills II
- EBS-021 English Skills
- EBS-033 Directed Studies in Writing II
- EBS-041 Directed Studies in Writing
- ENG-011 Developmental Skills I
- ENG-021 English Skills
- ENG-033 Directed Studies in Writing II
- ENG-101 Composition I
- ENG-201 Composition II
- ENG-202 Technical Writing
- ENG-204 Creative Writing
- ENG-205 Creative Writing Workshop – Fiction
- ENG-206 Memoir and Creative Nonfiction
- ENG-207 Creative Writing Workshop – Poetry
- ENG-208 Creative Writing Workshop – Playwriting
- LAN-110 French I
- LAN-111 German I
- LAN-112 Italian I
- LAN-113 Spanish I
- LAN-114 Russian I
- LAN-115 Arabic I
- LAN-116 Chinese [Mandarin] I
- LAN-119 Latin I
- LAN-120 Japanese I
- LAN-144 Irish I
- LAN-150 Spanish for Health Prof
- LAN-165 Korean I
- LAN-170 American Sign Lang I
- LAN-180 Hebrew I
- LAN-200 French II
- LAN-210 German II
- LAN-211 Intermediate German I
- LAN-220 Italian II
- LAN-221 Intermediate Italian I
- LAN-222 Intermediate Italian II
- LAN-228 Elem Spanish Heritage Spkrs
- LAN-229 Spanish for Heritage Spkrs II
- LAN-230 Spanish II
- LAN-231 Intermediate Spanish I
- LAN-232 Intermediate Spanish II
- LAN-233 Spanish Conversation
- LAN-240 Russian II
- LAN-241 Intermediate Russian I
- LAN-244 Elementary Irish II
- LAN-255 Arabic II
- LAN-256 Intermediate Arabic I
- LAN-260 Japanese II
- LAN-261 Intermediate Japanese I
- LAN-262 Intermediate Japanese II
- LAN-265 Korean II
- LAN-266 Intermediate Korean I
- LAN-270 American Sign Lang II
- LAN-271 Intermediate American Sign Lang I
- LAN-272 Intermediate American Sign Lang II
- LAN-276 Chinese [Mandarin] II
- LAN-277 Intermediate Chinese [Mandarin] I
- LAN-278 Intermediate Chinese [Mandarin] II
- LAN-280 Hebrew II
- LAN-289 Latin II
- LIT-107 Science Fiction
- LIT-110 Introduction to the Short Story
- LIT-127 Introduction to Poetry
- LIT-201 American Literature to 1880
- LIT-202 American Literature 1880 to Present
- LIT-203 World Literature to 1650
- LIT-204 World Literature 1650 to Present
- LIT-205 English Literature to 1800
- LIT-206 English Literature 1800 to Present
- LIT-207 Science Fiction
- LIT-210 Introduction to the Short Story
- LIT-215 The Black Literary Voice in America
- LIT-218 American Ethnic Fiction
- LIT-221 Shakespeare
- LIT-223 Contemporary Latin American Literature
- LIT-226 Introduction to the Novel
- LIT-227 Introduction to Poetry
- LIT-228 Women in Literature
- LIT-229 Myth and Literature
- LIT-231 Lit & Environmental Issues
- SPE-001 Speaking/Listening I for International Students
- SPE-002 Speaking/Listening II International Students
- SPE-003 Speaking/Listening III International Students
- SPE-006 Am.Lang.Pronunciat
- SPE-007 Adv Pronunc Eng Lang Learners
- SPE-008 Acad Listening Eng Lang Learn
- SPE-009 American Language Foundations: Speaking and Listening
- SPE-010 Idioms, Conversation and American Culture
- SPE-011 Idioms, Conversation and American Culture (Life and Work)
- SPE-100 Advanced Oral Communication for Non-Native Speakers
- WRT-101 English Composition I
- WRT-201 Composition II
- WRT-202 Technical Writing
- WRT-204 Creative Writing
- WRT-205 Creative Writing Workshop – Fiction
- WRT-206 Memoir and Creative Nonfiction
- WRT-207 Creative Writing Workshop – Poetry
- WRT-208 Creative Writing Workshop – Playwriting
- WRT-216 Writing for Professional Purposes
History & Geography – HIS, GEO
- HIS-101 Western Civilization to the Reformation
- HIS-102 Western Civilization from the Reformation
- HIS-103 Global Environmental History
- HIS-105 Women in History
- HIS-106 Modern Europe to the French Revolution
- HIS-107 Modern Europe to the French Revolution
- HIS-111 History of the United States to Reconstruction
- HIS-112 History of the United States to Reconstruction
- HIS-113 20th Century United States History to World War 2
- HIS-114 20th Century United States History since World War 2
- HIS-116 Women in American History
- HIS-121 Modern Asian History
- HIS-124 African-American History
- HIS-126 Modern African History
- HIS-130 Latin America to Independence
- HIS-131 Latin America since Independence
- HIS-132 The Spanish Speaking Caribbean & Central America since 1898
- HIS-144 Contemporary American Issues and Problems
- HIS-146 Genocide and Holocaust
- HIS-201 American Civil War & Reconstruction Era, 1845-1877
- GEO-101 World Geography
- GEO-102 Human Geography
Philosophy and Religion – PHR
- PHR-100 Reasoning
- PHR-101 Introduction to Philosophy
- PHR-102 Contemporary Moral Issues
- PHR-103 Introduction to Logic
- PHR-106 Eastern Philosophy
- PHR-107 Introduction to the Philosophy of Art
- PHR-114 Environmental Ethics
- PHR-110 Introduction to Ethics
- PHR-111 Social and Political Philosophy
- PHR-120 Introduction to Religion
- PHR-121 Religions of the World
- PHR-122 Women and Religion
- PHR-124 The Christian Scriptures
- PHR-125 The Hebrew Scriptures
- PHR-126 The Islamic Scriptures
- PHR-127 The Buddhist Scriptures
Mathematics, Science, & Technology
Mathematics – MAT
- MAT-010AL Linked Basic Math
- MAT-011AL Linked Basic Math
- MAT011 Basic Mathematics
- MAT-012 Accelerated Basic Math
- MAT-040 Algebra for Liberal Arts
- MAT-044 Algebra Topics
- MAT-048 Algebra
- MAT-090 Intermediate Algebra Support
- MAT-091 Precalculus Support
- MAT-092 Calculus I Support
- MAT-093 Calculus II Support
- MAT-130 Contemporary Mathematics
- MAT-150 Statistics I
- MAT-155 Finite Mathematics
- MAT-157 Intermediate Algebra Part I
- MAT-159 Intermediate Algebra Part II
- MAT-160 Intermediate Algebra
- MAT-180 PreCalculus
- MAT-223 Calculus for the Managerial and Social Sciences
- MAT-250 Statistics II
- MAT-268 Statistical Methods
- MAT-280 Calculus I
- MAT-281 Calculus II
- MAT-282 Calculus III
- MAT-283 Differential Equations
- MAT-285 Discrete Mathematics
- MAT-286 Linear Algebra
Computer Science & Information Technology – CIS, GAM, INF
- CIS-158 Intro
- CIS-165 Fundamentals of Programming
- CIS-265 Advanced Computer Concepts
- CIS-270 Programming for SCIENTIFIC Applications
- CIS-271 Computer Organization and Assembly Language
- CIS-277 Data Structures and Algorithms
- CIS-278 Database Systems
- CIS-287 Object-Oriented Programming
- CIS-288 Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
- CIS-289 Systems Analysis and Design
- GAM-110 Introduction to Game Architecture and Design
- GAM-211 Game Lab 2D
- GAM-218 Game Development 3D I
- GAM-230 Game Development 3D II
- INF-101 Introduction to Information Technology
- INF-102 Introduction to Computing
- INF-103 Introduction to Programming (Python)
- INF-108 PC Upgrade, Maintenance, and Diagnosis
- INF-114 Microsoft Office (Office 2019)
- INF-115 Desktop Publishing
- INF-119 Document Processing [Word 2013]
- INF-124 Excel
- INF-130 Testing and Quality Assurance
- INF-140 Introduction to Multimedia
- INF-145 Visual Basic Programming (see INF-220)
- INF-146 Web Development Using HTML
- INF-147 Web Development Using Dreamweaver
- INF-150 Business Programming Logic
- INF-152 C/C++ Programming for Business(see INF-211)
- INF-155 UNIX Operating System
- INF-160 Networking Technologies and Data Communications
- INF-161 Internet Research and Data Handling
- INF-163 Internet Concepts and Applications
- INF-165 Introduction to Linux
- INF-170 Networking Experience
- INF-208 System Analysis and Design
- INF-214 Administrative Technology
- INF-217 Database for Business Applications
- INF-218 Database Programming
- INF-219 Database Administration
- INF-220 Visual Basic Programming
- INF-221 C/C++ Programming
- INF-228 Excel For Problem Solving
- INF-230 Advanced Multimedia
- INF-236 Java Programming
- INF-240 Client-Side Scripting with JavaScript
- INF-253 Technical Communications
- INF-254 UNIX/Linux for Network Administrators
- INF-263 Advanced Web Development
- INF-265 Networking Configuration 1
- INF-266 Networking Configuration 2
- INF-268 Advanced Java Programming
- INF-271 Ethical Hacking: Penetration Testing
- INF-270 Computer Crime/ Forensics
- INF-272 Windows Active Directory
- INF-273 Intrusion Detection and Prevention
- INF-274 Wireless Networking
Science: Biology BIO, Chemistry CHM, Horticulture HRT, Physics PHY
- BIO-101 General Biology I
- BIO-103 The Human Body
- BIO-104 Microbiology
- BIO-107 Introduction to Human Biology
- BIO-108 Introduction to Environmental Biology
- BIO-109 Anatomy and Physiology I
- BIO-119 Intensive Wolf Study
- BIO-130 People-Plant Relationships
- BIO-131 General Botany
- BIO-203 General Biology II
- BIO-209 Anatomy and Physiology II
- BIO-210 Introduction to Biotechnology
- BIO-211 Introduction to Bioinformatics
- BIO-217 Sustainability
- BIO-221 Comparative Anatomy
- BIO-222 Embryology
- BIO-224 Environmental Microbiology
- BIO-225 Invertebrate Zoology
- BIO-227 Principles of Ecology
- BIO-228 Introduction to Marine Biology
- BIO-229 Tropical Marine Ecology
- BIO-250 Physiological Actions of Cannabinoids in Humans
- BIO-251 Actions of Cannabinoids in Humans
- CHM-100 Introduction to Chemistry
- CHM-102 Chemistry in Context
- CHM-112 College Chemistry
- CHM140 General Chemistry I
- CHM-141 General Chemistry Laboratory I
- CHM-212 Organic and Biochemistry
- CHM-240 General Chemistry II
- CHM-241 General Chemistry Laboratory II
- CHM-260 Organic Chemistry I
- CHM-262 Organic Chemistry II
- HRT-101 Fundamentals of Horticulture
- HRT-102 Plant Science
- HRT-103 Turf & Grounds Management
- HRT-104 Landscape Plants and Materials I
- HRT-112 Pests and the Ornamental Plant
- HRT-113 Principles of Landscaping
- HRT-114 Computer Applications for Landscape Design
- HRT-115 Floral Design
- HRT-119 Greenhouse Operations and Production
- HRT-120 Interior Plantscaping
- HRT-124 Irrigation Technology
- HRT-125 Equipment Management
- HRT130 Landscape Contracting
- HRT-204 Landscape Graphics
- HRT-213 Sustainable Design & Constr
- HRT-214 Landscape Design/Build Capstone
- HRT-215 Landscape Design/Build Management
- HRT-232 Plant Propagation
- HRT-233 Landscape Plants & Materials II
- HRT-234 Commercial Floral Design Management
- HRT-235 Landscape Site Analysis & Construction
- HRT-236 Horticulture Marketing and Sales
- HRT-237 Arboriculture/Plant Hlth Care
- HRT-292 Co-Op Work Experience [Horticulture] (formerly 462)
- PHY-100 Energy and Society
- PHY-111 Astronomy
- PHY-112 Climatology
- PHY-113 Geology
- PHY-114 Meteorology
- PHY-185 Introduction to Physics
- PHY-186 General Physics I
- PHY-280 Physics I
- PHY-286 General Physics II
- PHY-290 Physics II
- PHY-291 Physics III
- PHY-294 Engineering Mechanics: Statics
Engineering Technologies: Aviation, Drafting, Electronics, Manufacturing – AVT, DFT, ELC, TEC, MFG
- AVT-100 Intro to Aeronautics
- AVT-115 Aviation Meteorology
- AVT-210 Intro to Aircraft Avionics I
- AVT-240 Intro to Aviation Safety
- DFT-107 Drafting I
- DFT-207 Drafting II
- DFT-208 Engineering Graphics I
- DFT-209 Civil Engineering Methods
- DFT-210 Computer Aided Drafting I
- DFT-211 Computer Aided Drafting II
- DFT-215 Building Systems
- DFT-262 Architectural Drafting II
- DFT-263 Architectural Design
- DFT-265 Architectural Practice and Planning
- DFT-266 Materials and Methods of Construction
- DFT-270 Building Information Modeling
- DFT-282 Technical Illustration
- ELC-100 Introduction to Electrical Technology
- ELC-101 DC Circuit Analysis
- ELC-110 Electric Power Technology
- ELC-201 AC Circuit Analysis
- ELC-203 Electronic I
- ELC-204 Electronics II
- ELC-214 Communication Sys I
- ELC-215 Communication Sys II
- MFG-119 Pro/Engineer Design I
- MFG-122 Machine Tool Prin I
- MFG-124 Applied Metrology
- MFG-130 Welding Technology I
- MFG-206 Concepts of Industrial Design
- MFG-219 Pro/Engineer Design II
- MFG-220 Pro/Engineer Design III
- MFG-221 Pro/Engineer Design IV
- MFG-222 Machine Tool Principles II
- MFG-226 Methods, Fixture Design, and Estimating
- MFG-227 CNC Programming I
- MFG-228 CNC Programming II
- MFG-229 Materials Processing & Fabrication
- MFG-230 Welding Technology II
- MFG-293 Co-Op/Manufacturing
- MFG-294 Co-Op/Manufacturing
- TEC-180 Problem Solving Using Technology
- TEC-203 Work Based Learning for Science Technologies I
- TEC-204 Work Based Learning for Science Technologies II
Health Professions
Dental Hygiene DHY, Diagnostic Medical Sonography DMS, Medical Office Assistant MOA, Nursing NUR, Paramedics PAR, Radiography RAD, Radiation Therapy RTT, Respitory Care RSP, Surgical SUR, Veterinary Tech VET, Wellness Exercise Science – WEX
- DHY-101 Oral Hygiene I
- DHY-108 Dental & Oral Anatomy and Physiology
- DHY-109 Oral Embryology & Histology
- DHY-200 Pharmacology
- DHY-201 Oral Hygiene II
- DHY-202 Oral Hygiene III
- DHY-203 Oral Hygiene IV
- DHY-204 Dental Materials
- DHY-205 Dental Radiology
- DHY-206 Community Oral Health I
- DHY-207 Gen & Oral Pathology
- DHY 208 – Oral Hygiene Summer Clinical Techniques
- DHY-209 Perio I
- DHY-210 Oral Hygiene Enhanced Clinical Techniques
- DHY-214 Nutrition
- DHY-216 Community Oral Health II
- DHY-219 Perio II
- DHY-220 Local Anesthesia
- DMS-101 Ultrasound Physics and Instrumentation I
- DMS-102 Clinical Medicine and Patient Care
- DMS-113 Abdominal Sonography I
- DMS-115 Cross Section Anatomy
- DMS-201 Ultrasound Physics and Instrumentation II
- DMS-204 Introduction to Medical Imaging
- DMS-205 Obstetric and Gynecological Sonography
- DMS-208 Oral Hygiene Summer Clinical Techniques
- DMS-213 Abdominal Sonography II
- DMS-214 Echocardiography
- DMS-218 Ultrasound Clinic I
- DMS-219 Ultrasound Clinic II – Abdomen
- DMS-220 Ultrasound Clinic III – Ob/Gyn
- DMS-221 Ultrasound Clinic IV – Echocardiography
- DMS-222 Ultrasound Clinic V – Vascular
- DMS-226 OB Sonography II
- DMS-227 Echocardiography II
- DMS-228 Advanced Ultrasound Practices
- DMS-229 Vascular Imaging
- DMS-230 Comprehensive Review
- MOA-140 Medical Terminology
- MOA-141 Intro to Medical Asst
- MOA-145 Medical Office Assisting
- MOA-200 Pharmclgy/Med. Of.
- MOA-201 Diagno Proced Code
- MOA-203 Med Asst Admin Proc I
- MOA-204 Med Asst Admin Proc II
- MOA-218 Medical Economics
- MOA-240 Clinical Office Practice
- MOA-241 Clinical Lab Technology
- MOA-243 Med Asst Extern I
- MOA-244 Med Asst Extern II
- NUR-181 Physical Assessment
- NUR-182 Pharmacology for Nurses
- NUR-183 Basic Concepts and Skills of Nursing
- NUR-281 Adult Health Nursing A
- NUR-282 Adult Health Nursing B
- NUR-284 Maternal-Child Health Nursing
- NUR-285 Mental Health Nursing
- NUR-290 Adult Health Nursing C
- NUR-291 Adult Health Nursing D
- PAR-101 Principles of Paramedic Science I
- PAR-102 Paramedic Patient Care Techniques I
- PAR-103 Paramedic Diagnostic Methods I
- PAR-104 Paramedic Clinical Concepts
- PAR-200 Paramedic Cardiac and Trauma Care
- PAR-201 Principles of Paramedic Science II
- PAR-202 Paramedic Patient Care Techniques II
- PAR-203 Paramedic Diagnostic Methods II
- PAR-204 Paramedic Clinical Concepts II
- PAR-205 Paramedic Clinical Concepts III
- PAR-206 Paramedic Field Externship I
- PAR-207 Paramedic Field Externship I
- RAD-180 Introduction to Radiography
- RAD-181 Radiography I
- RAD-182 Radiography Practicum I
- RAD-183 Radiographic Pathology
- RAD-276 Principles of Imaging Equipment
- RAD-280 Image Production and Evaluation
- RAD-281 Radiography II
- RAD-282 Radiography Clinical II
- RAD-283 Intermediate Radiography Clinical
- RAD-285 Radiography III
- RAD-286 Radiography Clinical III
- RAD-288 Radiography IV
- RAD-289 Radiography Clinical IV
- RAD-290 Advanced Radiography Practicum
- RSP-110 Respiratory Care Pharmacology
- RSP-119 Intro Resp Therapy
- RSP-121 Rsp Extrn Clin I
- RSP-210 Cardiopulmonary Diseases and Disorders
- RSP-220 Fundamentals of Respiratory Care
- RSP-222 Cardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology
- RSP-225 Clinical Externship II
- RSP-226 Clinical Externship III II
- RSP-231 Resp Care Clinical Ext IV
- RSP-235 Clinical Externship V
- RSP-240 Diag Monitoring & Pat Assmt
- RSP-241 Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care
- RSP-250 Respiratory Critical Care
- RSP-260 Special Topics in Respiratory Care
- RTT-110 Introduction to Radiotherapy and Patient Care Management
- RTT-120 Radiation Therapy Practices I
- RTT-121 Radiation Therapy Clinical Practicum I
- RTT-130 Radiation Biology and Protection
- RTT-150 Principles of Diagnostic Radiation Physics
- RTT-200 Survey of Disease
- RTT-210 Dosimetry and Treatment Practices
- RTT-220 Radiation Therapy Practices II
- RTT-221 Radiation Therapy Clinical Practicum II
- RTT-222 Radiation Therapy Clinical Practicum III
- RTT-230 Advanced Procedures
- SUR-101 Principles of Surgical Technology I
- SUR-102 Surgical Technology Practicum I
- SUR-104 Microbiological Applications in Surgery
- SUR-201 Principles of Surgical Technology II
- SUR-202 Surgical Technology Externship II
- SUR-203 Clinical Externship III
- VET-102 Intro to Veterinary Tech
- VET-103 Vet Medical Term
- VET-104 Research Animal Technology
- VET-110 Nutrition and Principles of Feeding
- VET-115 Vertebrate A & P I
- VET-203 Vet Nursing I
- VET-204 Veterinary Dental Techniques
- VET-205 Clinical Lab Proc I
- VET-207 Diagnostic Imaging
- VET-215 Vertebrate A & P II
- VET-219 Surgical Assistance and Anesthesia
- VET-220 Vet Tech Externshp I
- VET-221 Vet Tech Externshp II
- WEX-101 Dynamics of Health/Fitness
- WEX-104 Aquacise
- WEX-105 Fitness Center
- WEX-106 Nutrition for Exercise Science
- WEX-111 Aerobic Conditioning
- WEX-112 Body Conditioning
- WEX-114 Keep Young/Fit/Alive
- WEX-115 Swimming for Conditioning
- WEX-116 Weight Training
- WEX-117 Core Stability Training
- WEX-118 50+ Fitness
- WEX-119 Virtual Physical Trainer
- WEX-123 Sports Ethics
- WEX-124 Issues and Trends in Sports
- WEX-125 Recreational Sport and Fitness Management
- WEX-126 Sports Admin
- WEX-127 Sports Events & Facilities Management
- WEX-128 Sports Fundamentals
- WEX-131 Scuba Diving
- WEX-133 Mindfulness and Good Health
- WEX-159 CPR/First Aid
- WEX-163 Nutrition for Today
- WEX-164 Exercise Science
- WEX-167 Self Defense
- WEX-169 Yoga-Dance
- WEX-170 Yoga
- WEX-171 Beginner Golf
- WEX-173 Beginner Tennis
- WEX-175 Beginner Swimming
- WEX-182 Fitness Measurement and Interpretation
- WEX-183 Sports Programs and Principles of Conditioning
- WEX-184 Sports Medicine: Theory and Practice
- WEX-185 Contemporary Health Issues
- WEX-209 Athletic Training Practicum I- Taping & Bracing for Athletic Injury
- WEX-210 Athletic Training Practicum II- Evaluation & Treatment of Athletic Injury