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The AIMS Program (Academic Intervention and Monitoring System) is an academic and instructional support program designed for students who are most at risk in a college environment because of their challenges in reading, writing, thinking, and mathematical skills. AIMS exists to help these students achieve academic success, remain in school, and develop a greater sense of independence and self-esteem. AIMS students have a higher rate of retention than similarly scoring peers who do not participate in AIMS.
Program Elements
- Testing: Once admitted to the college, all students must take Accuplacer, a basic skills assessment test, to determine their appropriate entry level English and mathematics courses. Students are placed in the AIMS program as a result of meeting all of the following criteria:
Students who score between 0-3 on the Write Placer and 200-210 on the Next Generation Reading Test AND place into MAT 010 and MAT 011 are eligible for the CONNECT + (AIMS) program.Students should contact Professor Eileen Fitzgerald, Coordinator of CONNECT + (AIMS) Learning Communities, at efitzgerald@, AIMS is not being offered during remote instruction
- The commitment to attend BCC as a full-time, day student, either degree seeking or non-degree seeking.Additional testing may be done to insure that students have been properly placed. Students may take a challenge examination in English, Mathematics, and Algebra before classes begin. The results of the challenge tests are final. Students should contact the Office of Testing Services, L-127, for further details.
- Orientation and Registration: Individualized orientation and registration sessions are held for students in the AIMS program. The orientation sessions are conducted by the administrator of the program, and registration follows immediately. Please contact Eileen Fitzgerald at [email protected] or call (201) 447-7962.
- Course Requirements: Students in the AIMS program are required to take a 12 credit schedule; 9 non-degree credits and 3 degree credits, in their first semester. The required courses are:
- Developmental Skills I (EBS-011): the first course of a two course basic skills sequence designed to improve fundamental academic skills in the areas of reading, writing, and critical thinking. Class instruction emphasizes the development of literal comprehension, sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary.
- Basic Mathematics (MAT-011): a study of the fundamental operations of arithmetic. In addition, students must take Basic Mathematics Support (MAT-010).
- Success 101 (IST-123): a learning opportunity for new students which includes communication skills, critical reasoning, study skills, time management, and goal setting.
- Schedules: The required courses are patterned into four-day schedules wherever possible. Students register for a pre-scheduled pattern of classes.
- Class Size: AIMS classes range from 15 to 18 students to provide a maximum opportunity for individualized instruction.
- Faculty: Faculty are asked to participate in the AIMS program based upon their interpersonal skills, strength in subject matter, commitment to the program, and understanding of the special needs of developmental students.
Program Evaluation
The effectiveness of the program is determined through academic success reports, retention studies, student evaluations, and faculty comments. Some of the outcome indicators which help to judge program effectiveness are student passing rates, student attrition rates, grade point averages, and credits attempted to credits earned ratios.
Program Administration
The AIMS program is a joint effort supported by the School of Arts and Humanities, the School of Business, Mathematics, and Social Sciences, the School of Student Services, and the Office of the Academic Vice President. Currently, the program is directed by Prof. Eileen Fitzgerald, with the assistance of divisional liaisons.
Program Projections
Bergen Community College has created the AIMS program to help serious, motivated, but under-prepared students achieve academic success in their first difficult semester at the college. Through a continuous process of assessment and evaluation, the program will be modified to meet the changing needs of the students.