Safe Space at Bergen Community College

Bergen Pride and the Office of Student Life and Conduct offer Safe Space Workshops on a voluntary basis to our administration, faculty and staff.

Prof. Linda Seidman and Prof. Jim Bumgardner, Bergen Pride’s co-advisors, offer workshops throughout the year to work with participants on issues and answers about the LGBTQ+ community.

Upon completion of the workshop, participants are given a Safe Space sticker to proudly display on their office door or inside their shared office to let LGBTQ+ individuals know that they are an ally and a “safe space” to be able to openly talk. Since we began offering the workshops, over 125 administration, faculty and staff have participated.

Please look for either of these stickers. In 2016, we began to offer the Safe Space Workshops to a few student organizations at Bergen Community College. Participants proudly wear a Safe Space pin letting the LGBTQ+ community know that they are allies.

LGBTQ+ 101 Workshop

This workshop is a one-hour training for Bergen Community College students, faculty, staff and administration to help create and guide participants in fundamental understandings of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender plus community. The workshop is geared to provide a basic introduction to issues relevant to LGBTQ+ people. It focuses on developing competence in basic terminology and language.

The goal of this workshop is to accomplish the following objectives:

  1. Increase awareness and knowledge of LGBTQ+ history and issues.
  2. Engage in discussion of LGBTQ+ concerns.
  3. Raise Awareness
  4. Build Resources

Click here for our Virtual LGBTQ+ 101 Workshop