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When transferring to a four year institution a student may be requested by the four year College or University to have a document signed by a staff member from the Office of Student Conduct, which verifies their conduct disciplinary record at Bergen Community College.
If the student was ever involved in an incident on campus that was brought to the attention of the Office of Student Conduct, he or she, may have a conduct file.
It is up to the discretion of the Office of Student Conduct, depending on the severity of the incident, if this information is released to the four year institution in question.
How to Request a Conduct Disciplinary Form
To request a Dean’s Certification or signature on a College Report for transfer applications or law enforcement Disciplinary Records Request, please complete this online Certifications & Disciplinary Records Request form.
Please submit the online form and upload any related documents or bring hard copies to the Office of Student Conduct (Room L-123) at least one month before recipient entity’s deadline.
Be sure to label all of your documents with you name, student ID and contact information.
We will accept forms submitted after that time, and will do our best to process them in a timely manner, but we cannot assure you that we can meet the requisite deadlines of the entities to which you are applying.
Priority will be given to those students who timely submit, and in the order received.
Note on the Common App
In order for Bergen to process the “College Report,” the Office of Student Life & Conduct needs a PDF version of this form attached to your request. Please note that this form needs to be completed by the Office of Student Life & Conduct and the Office of Registration; therefore, we cannot control how quickly this form is processed.
Note on the Coalition App
In order for Bergen to process the “Transfer Report,” the Office of Student Life & Conduct needs a PDF version of this form attached to your request. Please note that this form needs to be completed by the Office of Student Life & Conduct and the Office of Registration; therefore, we cannot control how quickly this form is processed.