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To graduate with the JKW School of Honors Diploma:
Students with an AA (Associates in Arts) or an AS (Associates in Science) must complete 18 credits of Honors courses and maintain an overall GPA of 3.4 to receive the JKW School of Honors Diploma.
Students getting the AAS (Associate in Applied Science) or an AFA (Associate in Fine Arts) must complete 12 credits of Honors courses and maintain an overall G.P.A of 3.4.
In addition, a student must apply for Graduation from BCC by the appropriate date and also e-mail [email protected] with a list of the Honors courses he/she has taken.
Note: Under the previous guidelines, all Business majors (AS. and .AS) were required to take 12 honors credits to receive an Honors Diploma. As of the Fall 2012,18 credits are required of those business majors receiving an AS. Degree and 12 credits are required of those business majors receiving an AAS degree.
Students in certificate programs are ineligible to receive an Honors Diploma.
To register for Honors courses, please visit Self Service, select the desired semester and “Honors” for a full listing of courses. For more information, please call 201-879-8997 or email [email protected]. To be approved to take Honors courses, please fill out the form found on this page