Reaffirmation of accreditation from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education is an expression of confidence in an institution’s mission and goals, its performance, and its resources. An institution is accredited when the educational community has verified that its goals are achieved through self-regulation and peer review.  The College has completed its self-study which began in 2023.

Self-Study Documents

Bergen Community College MSCHE Self-Study Report – 2025
Bergen Community College MSCHE Self-Study Summary – 2025
Bergen Community College MSCHE Self-Study Design Document

MSCHE Team Visit

The College will host a visit on March 23-26, 2025, by a team of peer reviewers who have been selected from comparable institutions. The team’s charge is to review the institution’s ongoing ability to meet the Commission’s “Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation.” Bergen has been accredited by the MSCHE since 1972.  Bergen sought comments from the college community and the public in preparation for this visit. The comment period closed in December 2024.


Steering Committee

Dr. Jennifer Migliorino-Diaz, Self-Study Chair, Liaison Standards I and IV
Dr. Kil Yi, Self-Study Chair, Liaison Standards III and VI
Joan Dalrymple, Self-Study Chair, Liaison Standards II and VII
Dr. Tonia McKoy, Compliance Working Group Chair
Suzanne Wetzel, Standard I
Wilton Thomas-Hooke, Standard I
Lisa Mayer, Esq., Standard II
Ronda Drakeford, Standard II
Dr. Annemarie Roscello, Standard III
Dr. Maureen Ellis Davis, Standard III
Dr. Dianna O’Connor, Standard IV
Dr. Ilene Kleinman, Standard V
Dr. Gary Porter, Standard V and Accreditation Liaison Officer
Dr. Anjali Thanawala, Standard VI
John Scardina, Standard VI
Adam Goodell, Standard VII
Mark Molisani, Standard VII

Standard Working Groups

Standard I Mission and Goals

Suzanne M. Wetzel, Vice President of External Affairs, CHAIR
Wilton Thomas-Hooke, Chief Financial Officer, Co-Chair
Cinzia Diorio, Vice President of Continuing Education and Workforce Development
Joseph Goss, Assistant Professor, Respiratory Care
Peter Vida, Dean of Enrollment Management

Standard II  Ethics and Integrity

Lisa Mayer, Esq., Associate Professor, Criminal Justice and Legal Studies, CHAIR
Ronda Drakeford, Assistant Professor, Hotel and Restaurant Management, Co-Chair
Dr. Denise Budd, Professor, Visual and Performing Arts
Maria Ferrara, Executive Assistant, Board of Trustees
Nishika Gupta, Assistant Vice President Information Technology
Jaime Pardo, Manager of Career Placement Services, Continuing Education and Workforce Development
Lynn Schott, Associate Professor, Library
Julie Seda, Assistant Professor, Wellness and Exercise Science

Standard III Design and Delivery of the Student Learning Experience

Dr. Annemarie Roscello, Professor, Library, CHAIR
Dr. Maureen Ellis-Davis, Professor, Social Sciences, Co-Chair
Iris Bucchino, Assistant Professor, English Basic Skills
Carmen Cruz-Torres, Associate Dean of Nursing
Dr. Neel Haldolaarachchige, Assistant Professor, Physical Sciences
Dr. Alan Kaufman, Professor, Composition and Literature
Dr. Amarjit Kaur, Managing Director of the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
Luciana Lew, Adjunct Faculty, English Basic Skills
Philip G. Ross, Lecturer, Wellness and Exercise Science
Doug Short, Associate Professor, Enrollment Management

Standard IV Support of the Student Experience

Dr. Dianna O’Connor, Associate Professor, Career and Transfer Services, CHAIR
Joseph Barreto, Former Trustee
Kathryn Brunetto, Managing Director of Admissions and International Programs
Jake Dynes, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Greg Fenkart, Director of Student Life
Hyacinthe Nkurunziza, Coordinator of Success and Completion, Office of Specialized Services
Tracy Rand, Managing Director of the Office of Specialized Services
Dr. Anthony Trump, Vice President of Student Affairs
Kaylie Quezeda, Student (Graduated)

Standard V Educational Effectiveness Assessment

Dr. llene Kleinman, Associate Dean of Curriculum, CHAIR
Dr. Gary Porter, Professor, Physical Sciences, Accreditation Liaison Officer, Co-Chair
Dr. Mi Ahn, Dean, Business and Social Sciences
John Bandman, Assistant Professor, Hotel and Restaurant Management
Jorge Cardenas, Assistant Professor, Physical Sciences
Dr. Peter Dlugos, Professor, Philosophy and Religion
Dr. Melissa Krieger, Associate Professor, Social Sciences
Dr. Carol Miele, Professor, ESL

Standard VI  Planning, Resources, and Institutional Improvement

Dr. Anjali Thanawala, Director, Grants Administration – Co-Chair
John Scardina, Director College Compliance – Co-Chair
Khairia Fazal, Dean of Learning Support, Cerullo Learning Assistance Center
Marie Jardine, Associate Director of Public Safety
Dr. Jaehyun (Julia) Lee-Hong, Assistant Professor, Social Sciences
Dr. Mike Martinez, Professional Assistant, Enrollment Management
Nathaniel Saviet, Vice President of Facilities
Michael Vivenzio, Coordinator of Adjunct Administration

Standard VII Governance, Leadership, and Administration

Adam Goodell, Senior Dean, Humanities, CHAIR
Mark Molisani, Grant Writer, Co-Chair
Dr. Song Chung, Associate Professor, Physical Sciences
Tracy Miceli, Managing Director of Events Planning
Francis Schmidt, Professor and Chair, Visual Arts
Dr. Candice Kaup Scioscia, Manager of the Cerullo Learning Assistance Center

Compliance Working Group (Requirements of Affiliation)

Dr. Tonia McKoy, Dean of Research and Institutional Effectiveness, CHAIR
John Scardina, Director of College Compliance

Additional Support

Dr. Larry Hlavenka, Executive Director, Public Relations, Community and Cultural Affairs
Suzanne Wetzel, Vice President of External Affairs

Citations and Evidence Inventory
Dr. Annemarie Roscello, Professor, Library
Lynn Schott, Associate Professor, Library
Joan Dalrymple, Professor, Library
Jennifer Kelemen, Administrative Support, Office of the President

Copy Editing
Dr. John Findura, Writing Center Supervisor, Cerullo Learning Assistance Center, Editor

Support for Accreditation Liaison Officer
Jennifer Kelemen, Administrative Support, Office of the President
Christine Hill, Program Coordinator, Office of the President


Bergen Community College Middle States Self-Study Report – 2016
Middle States Visiting Team Evaluation Report – Spring 2016 IR - Doc Icon
Statement of Accreditation Status – June 2016 IR - Doc Icon