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Process for Students Requesting Accommodations for a Health Professions Admissions Exam
- Set up Evolve-Elsevier Account.
- Register for the test you wish to take.
- Request Accommodations and upload your Accommodation Letter or disability documentation on the “Distance Learning Link”.
- Wait to receive an email from Elsevier giving instructions to schedule your test.
Process for Requesting Accommodations for the Nursing Entrance Exam (TEAS)
- This test is currently being offered by ATI (Assessment Technology Institute).
- The Testing Center is PSI.
- Student should create their account on ATI
- Click on “online store”
- Click on “TEAS @ PSI”
- Click on “Nursing” program
- Click on “Learn More”
- Click on the Blue Letter: ADA Accommodation Link it will direct the student to submit their documentation/official Accommodation letter here.
- For more detailed instructions on creating an account with ATI and registration for this exam please see: HOW TO REGISTER FOR THE TEAS ASSESSMENT AT A PSI SITE