Process for Students Requesting Accommodations for a Health Professions Admissions Exam

  1. Set up Evolve-Elsevier Account.
  2. Register for the test you wish to take.
  3. Request Accommodations and upload your Accommodation Letter or disability documentation on the “Distance Learning Link”.
  4. Wait to receive an email from Elsevier giving instructions to schedule your test.

Process for Requesting Accommodations for the Nursing Entrance Exam (TEAS)

  • This test is currently being offered by ATI (Assessment Technology Institute).
  • The Testing Center is PSI.
  1.  Student should create their account on ATI
  2. Click on “online store”
  3. Click on “TEAS @ PSI”
  4. Click on “Nursing” program
  5. Click on “Learn More”
  6. Click on the Blue Letter:  ADA Accommodation Link it will direct the student to submit their documentation/official Accommodation letter here.
  7. For more detailed instructions on creating an account with ATI and registration for this exam please see: HOW TO REGISTER FOR THE TEAS ASSESSMENT AT A PSI SITE