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Institutional Research is required to conduct various surveys throughout the academic year. After a survey is administered and the data is collected the resulting report will be posted here.
New Student Survey
Colleges use entrance surveys to learn more about new students. Inspired by the work of other colleges, Institutional Research created its own New Student Survey. The purpose of the survey was to better understand the educational journey of our new students. Questions focused around five themes: College Perceptions, College Preparation, Early College Experience, Future Plans, and High School Student Experience.
CCSSE – Community College Survey of Student Engagement
CCSSE is the survey instrument of the Center for Community College Student Engagement. The purpose of the survey is to assess student engagement through institutional practices and student behavior.
The CCSSE Series
The CCSSE Series highlights key themes from the Spring 2018 administration of the survey. On a monthly basis, CIE will be sharing bits of data to serve as conversation starters around campus. Faculty and staff are encouraged to share their ideas on what they would like to see featured as well as what results are influencing campus-wide improvement efforts.
Graduate Follow-Up Survey Report
The primary objective of the Graduate Follow-Up Survey is to assess the extent to which students feel the College’s programs, facilities and services have enabled them to achieve their personal, educational and professional goals.
The Graduate Transfer Experience Report
The Graduate Transfer Experience Report presents data collected from a ten-question survey sent to graduates of Bergen who had transferred to a four-year institution.