For insight on how policies are developed at Bergen Community College, please visit the Policy Advisory Council page.


ACAD 002-001.2018 Application,
Acceptance, Implementation and Modification of Grants Grant Proposals

ACAD 003-001.2018 Child Development Center
ACAD 004-001.2018 Articulation Agreements
ACAD 005-001.2018 Age Restriction in Continuing Education Courses and Certificate Programs
ACAD 006-001.2018 Off Site locations
ACAD 007-001.2023 Grade Assignment Process: Deletion of E Grade

Board of Trustees

BoT Board of Trustees Bylaws
BoT 001-001.2018 Advisory Committees Nomination, Appointment, and Reappointment
BoT 002 001.2018 Alumni Trustee Policy
BoT 003-001.2018 Minutes. Retention of Audio recordings
BoT 004-001.2018 Board Meetings and Official Publications
BoT 005-001.2018 Governor’s appt
BoT 006-001.2018 Indemnification of Employees and Trustees
BoT 007-001.2018 Participation in Fund Raising Events
BoT 008-001.2018 Travel Policy for Board Members
BoT 009-001.2024 Code of Ethics for the Board of Trustees


FIN 001-001.2018 Child Development Center Fee
FIN 002-001.2018 Campus Motor Violations
FIN 003-001.2018 Locker Fees
FIN 004-001.2018 Deferred Tuition Payment Plan Policy
FIN 005-001.2018 Membership fee for the Institute for Learning in Retirement
FIN 006-001.2018 Guidelines for Determining Chargeback Eligibility Policy
FIN 007-002.2020 Annual Financial Statement
FIN 008-001.2018 Approval for and Reporting of College Events held at Off-Campus Establishments
FIN 009-001.2018 Mailing Procedures-Guidelines
FIN 010-001.2018 Dental Clinic Fees
FIN 011-001.2018 College Rental of Off Campus Classrooms Facilities
FIN 012-001.2018 Authorization to Enter Into Hospital Contracts
FIN 013-001.2018 Travel, Mileage, and other Reimbursable Expenses for College Personnel
FIN 014-001.2023 Credit Card Usage Policy


FND 001-001.2018 Recognizing Contributions on Behalf of BCC
FND 002-001.2018 Gift Acceptance Policy

General Administration

GADM 001-001.2018 External Data Request policy
GADM 002-001.2018 Lost and Found Policy
GADM 003-001.2018 Award of Professional Services
GADM 004-001.2018 Changes to Roadways or Traffic Patterns
GADM 005-001.2018 Security Camera Monitoring Policy
GADM 006-001.2018 Records Retention Policy
GADM 007-001.2019 Formulation, Issuance and Maintenance of College Policies
GADM 008-001.2021 Flags at Half Staff
GADM 009-001.2024 Gender Inclusive Restrooms Policy
GADM 010-002.2024 Weapons on Campus

Additional Documentation Regarding GADM 010-002.2024:

Information Technology

IT 001-001.2019 BCC Google Drive Docs Usage Guidelines and Support Agreement
IT 002-001.2019 Data Classification and Handling Policy
IT 003-001.2022 BCC IT Account Lifecycle Policy

Human Resources

HR 001-004.2023 Title IX Policy and Procedures Covering Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct
HR 002-001.2018 Policy on Internal Complaint Process
HR 003-001.2018 Policy Prohibiting Sexual Harassment
HR 004-001.2018 Policy Prohibiting Discrimination
HR 005-001.2018 Hiring and Compensation of non-credit instruction
HR 006-001.2018 Reporting Injuries Workers’ Comp-Guidelines
HR 007-001.2020 Tobacco/Smoke Free Policy
HR 008-001.2023 Nepotism and Personal Relationships
HR 009-001.2024 Financial Disclosure Statement

Additional Documentation Regarding HR 008-001.2023:

Student Affairs

STU 001-002.2022 Campus Posting Policy
STU 002-001.2018 Commencement Speaker
STU 003-001.2018 Flag Display Policy
STU 004-001.2018 Guest Speaker Policy
STU 005-001.2019 Preferred Name Policy
STU 006-002.2022 Drug Free Schools and Community Act
STU 007-001.2023 Census Reporting
STU 008-001.2023 Formal Student Complaints
STU 010-001.2015 Involuntary Leave of Absence